1st (Wed)
Pray for teachers and others working with the children of key workers & vulnerable young people in schools across Luton. |
2nd (Thu)
Pray for the leadership team, as they trust & listen to God, seeking how best to lead Youthscape as we continue to support & encourage young people, youth workers & others during this challenging time. |
3rd (Fri)
Please pray for local church leaders & youth workers as they support their congregations, young people & those in their communities. |
4th (Sat)
Funding & revenue will be a challenge for us this term. Please pray for us as we apply for grants. Pray that we will be able to manage funds & find sources of income to help us through this difficult time. |
5th (Sun)
Several organisations across Luton have partnered together, with Youthscape, to form Luton Youth & Families COVID-19 Response Group to support children and young people. Pray for all involved. |
6th (Mon)
For young people who have complicated home lives. Pray that they will be safe & be able to find support & positive friendships online. |
7th (Tue)
Pray for families struggling financially, especially as they try to find a way to provide the extra meals & resources required for this term. |
8th (Wed)
Pray for young people struggling with their mental health to find support quickly. And for those who feel scared to admit to how they are feeling, pray that they would find someone they feel safe to talk to. |
9th (Thu)
Young people are studying at home. Pray that they would be able to engage with their work. Pray too for those who are struggling to engage, or who are working in a chaotic home environment. |
10th (Fri)
Please pray for the Youthscape team. For our emotional & physical wellbeing, for strength & wisdom, energy & inspiration as we seek to serve young people, youth workers & professionals. |
11th (Sat)
Please pray for our team as they adjust to working from home; juggling child care & sharing workspace, & for those who live alone - that they wouldn't feel lonely or isolated. |
12th (Sun)
Thank God for what He's done through Jesus as we remember Him this Easter time. That He loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so we can be called children of God. |
13th (Mon)
Pray for Christian young people, that they would know God's presence with them. That they would find support from their friends, youth workers & churches. Pray that they will grow in their faith at this time. |
14th (Tue)
There are 700,000 young carers in the UK. It's hard work & can be socially isolating at the best of times. Please pray for them especially as many will be looking after vulnerable family members. |
15th (Wed)
Pray for health professionals providing urgent care & medical advice to people. Pray that as they support others they would be safe, supported & able to rest when they need to. |
16th (Thu)
A lot of young people struggle with anxiety, especially in the current climate. Please pray that they would find support & outlets to talk about the things that are concerning them. |
17th (Fri)
Pray for youth workers nationally as they try to find new ways of mentoring, supporting & encouraging young people. |
18th (Sat)
Parents & carers are homeschooling their families. Pray for them as they juggle their work, money worries, families, homes & schooling. That they would know peace, wisdom & patience in their busy homes. |
19th (Sun)
Pray for those accessing our online Alumina project, which offers help to young people who are self-harming & who may be finding life especially tough at the moment. |
20th (Mon)
Please pray for young people who are grieving the loss of family members & friends, but are not able to say their goodbyes. |
21st (Tue)
It takes time to build relationships with our young people. Please pray that they would stay engaged with Youthscape & continue to feel supported in these uncertain times. |
22nd (Wed)
Thank God for all the youth workers & professionals working with young people. For the new & innovative ways they are finding to support those in their care. |
23rd (Thu)
Many young people struggle with loneliness & social isolation. Please pray for those who are feeling this even more acutely now. |
24th (Fri)
Pray for vulnerable young people, families living in poverty & for those with abusive or chaotic family relationships. That that they would be able to find the support & help they need to be safe. |
25th (Sat)
Young people are unable to take their GCSEs & A Levels. They are feeling disappointed, uncertain & worried about what that means for them. |
26th (Sun)
We are still able to provide youth workers & professionals with resources for their young people. Please pray the young people using these would find them helpful, encouraging & inspiring. |
27th (Mon)
Our local team are providing online mentoring to young people in our community. Pray for the team; for wisdom as they serve in this way. Pray also that we would be able to connect with new young people. |
28th (Tue)
Pray for young people who are online even more than usual, that they would be safe. Pray for their parents & the professionals working to protect them in the online environment. |
29th (Wed)
Please pray for the team who are preparing for this year’s National Youth Ministry Weekend, taking place from 13th - 15th November. |
30th (Thu)
For those facing an uncertain future, applying for university, college & jobs without knowing what qualifications they will have. For the guidance & support they need to make positive & informed decisions. |