1st (Thu)
Pray for Christian young people, that they would know God’s presence with them. That they’d find support from friends, youth workers & churches, & that they would encourage each other in their faith.
2nd (Fri)
Tonight is the latest Luton Unite event on YouTube. Please pray for the team leading the event, & for the young people taking part online - that they would feel really connected & have fun. |
3rd (Sat)
Pray for young carers, that they'll be able to find the support they need as they care for vulnerable family members. Pray too, that they won’t feel isolated over the Easter holidays. |
4th (Sun)
Thank God for what He's done through Jesus, as we remember Him this Easter time. That He loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so we can be called children of God. |
5th (Mon)
Please pray for the Innovation Team - working on a new resource to help young people think about racism & how to become anti-racist. |
6th (Tue)
Please pray for our conversations with people who are considering supporting our Satellites event financially. We have some key discussions this month with trusts & individuals.
7th (Wed)
We're potentially reopening drop-in & doing some detached work from 12th April. Pray for wisdom - to ensure the space is safe, & for protection for staff, volunteers & young people. |
8th (Thu)
As young people come to terms with the impact of quarantine & the affects of COVID-19, pray that BeHeadstrong will be a place they find practical support & encouragement. |
9th (Fri)
Young people will have had very different experiences of home schooling. Please pray for teachers as they try to bring students in line with each other this term.
10th (Sat)
For young people dealing with loss & bereavement. Pray that they'll be able to find good support networks, where they have opportunities to talk about their loss & work through their grief. |
11th (Sun)
Young people are back in school, but experiencing so many additional worries & pressures this term. Pray that they would know God’s peace & support at this time. |
12th (Mon)
Pray for the health & wellbeing of teachers & staff in our local schools. Working long hours, in the current, constantly changing educational environment. |
13th (Tue)
Pray for positive relationships to grow with the new young people we meet this term. That the work they do with us would make a lasting change to their lives. |
14th (Wed)
Pray for the young people in Luton who are feeling lonely & isolated; that they will be able to find support through Youthscape & other local youth organisations. |
15th (Thu)
Please pray that the ‘We Are Satellites’ book, written by Martin, will be helpful for Christian young people, & also help others who are exploring faith for the first time. |
16th (Fri)
Jenny manages Alumina, (our online work supporting young people who self-harm). Pray for her to know wisdom, understanding & peace in her work. |
17th (Sat)
Pray for our Board of Trustees, for God's wisdom & guidance as they oversee the work of Youthscape. |
18th (Sun)
There’s been a rise in the number of young people facing homelessness during the pandemic. Pray that professionals will come alongside them, & that they’ll be able to access the help they need. |
19th (Mon)
As the lockdown restrictions are gradually lifted, please pray that young people would find the support they need, as they come to terms with the impact of quarantine & the pandemic on their lives. |
20th (Tue)
Pray for the Innovation team, as they seek to create new resources for youth leaders who are working in ever-changing contexts. |
21st (Wed)
Pray for young people struggling with their mental health to find support quickly. And for those who feel scared to admit to how they are feeling, pray that they would find someone they feel safe to talk to. |
22nd (Thu)
Thank God for our Research team; for the diversity of work they do, & the difference that the research makes to our understanding of young people & to youth work in the UK & around the world. |
23rd (Fri)
Our store is busy sending out orders. Mental health & discipleship resources are particularly popular right now. Pray that young people would benefit spiritually & mentally from using these.
24th (Sat)
Pray for the young people in care across Luton, that they would be able to find support through Youthscape & other local youth organisations. |
25th (Sun)
Pray for young people who are worried about the school work they have missed over the past year. |
26th (Mon)
Pray for young people using our new Green Shuffle resource, that it will help them to draw connections between their faith & their concerns for the environment. |
27th (Tue)
Pray for Esther & the team involved in fundraising, as they continue to raise money for the ongoing work of Youthscape. |
28th (Wed)
2600 young people experience digital poverty in Bedfordshire alone. Pray for young people across the UK - that they’ll be able to access the technology they need for their education. |
29th (Thu)
Please pray for Martin, as he leads a training session on youth work innovation with leaders across Scotland today. |
30th (Fri)
Pray that God will be at the centre of all our work; as we work with young people, youth workers & in partnership with churches & organisations in Luton and beyond. |