
Hello - and thank you so much for praying with us this month.

Many young people will be spending this Easter time revising, and preparing for exams taking place in May and June. Spare a thought - and your prayers - for them. It’s a stressful experience, even if you’re well prepared! And many teenagers are still playing ‘catch up’ from trying to study during lockdown over the last two years.

In early May, Youthscape is running a free online advice session for young people with anxiety about their exams. It’s part of the mental health service we provide through beheadstrong.uk. That’s the website and social media platform that brings mental health advice to young people from a Christian perspective. All the details can

be found there if you know a young person who might appreciate it: https://www.beheadstrong.uk

Leading the session will be two of our mental health experts; Jenny Cavendish and Jenny Flannagan, who also manage Alumina - our free online support groups for young people who are self-harming (selfharm.co.uk/alumina).

It’s all part of our strong belief that Christian faith should tackle the very real issues facing young people today. So thank you for your prayers; for our work and for the teenagers about to sit their exams in the next few months.

Happy Easter; may the peace and presence of God be very real.


1st (Fri)

Thank God for the funding we have received for our work. And for His blessings & provisions for the work that we do.

2nd (Sat)

Hannah is on our Innovation Team, pray for her as she designs & works on new resources. And for Nicki, as she manages Youthscape’s online store.

3rd (Sun)

Many young people struggle with loneliness & social isolation. Please pray for those who feel this even more acutely during the school holidays.

4th (Mon)

Pray for school staff, that they will be able to enjoy a break & time with their friends & families over the Easter holidays.

5th (Tue)

For young people across Luton who’ve been in our different groups this term: Pray that taking part will make a huge difference to their wellbeing, & have a lasting, positive impact on their lives.

6th (Wed)

Pray for the Youthscape team - that they can enjoy a break over Easter, & that they’ll feel relaxed & refreshed as they return for the Summer term in April.

7th (Thu)

A lot of young people struggle with anxiety, especially in the current climate. Please pray that they would find support & outlets to talk about the things that are concerning them.

8th (Fri)

Our Orbit devotional is going out every day on Instagram. Pray that young people would begin to find a rhythm of time with God through Orbit.

9th (Sat)

Many families find school holidays difficult. Those who are struggling emotionally, those with difficult relationships & family breakdown, with addictions, abuse & violence. Pray for protection and peace.

10th (Sun)

For God to inspire creativity & innovation for our fundraising - so that we will find potential new streams of income for Youthscape, especially in these difficult financial times.

11th (Mon)

Pray for vulnerable young people & for those with abusive or chaotic family relationships. That they would not remain ‘invisible’, but be able to find the support & help they need to stay safe.

12th (Tue)

Pray for Christian young people, that they would know God’s presence. That they would find support from friends, youth workers & churches, & that they would encourage each other in their faith.

13th (Wed)

Many young people are struggling with their mental health, but finding it hard to access help. Pray that positive steps would be made to address this, & for Youthscape to be able to support them where we can.

14th (Thu)

Church leaders & youth workers are supporting their congregations, young people & those in their communities. Pray that they would know God’s wisdom, inspiration & peace as they serve.

15th (Fri)

For Jenny F, Jenny C & the Alumina team. Pray for wisdom, energy & ongoing support for them as a team, as they work with young people facing very difficult situations.

16th (Sat)

Please pray for the team planning this year’s National Youth Ministry Weekend event, as it moves to a new venue this November.

17th (Sun)

Thank God for what He’s done through Jesus, as we remember Him this Easter time. That He loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so we can be called children of God.

18th (Mon)

Pray for young people in care across Luton, that they would find support through Youthscape and other local youth organisations.

19th (Tue)

The Alumina team are hoping to launch a monthly webinar for parents & professionals this month. Please pray for the team, & that the webinar would be really helpful to other professionals & to parents.

20th (Wed)

Please pray for the Youthscape team, as we head off to Pleshey on retreat today. As we pray & prepare for the new term ahead.

21st (Thu)

While we are away on retreat, pray that God would inspire & speak to us, as we spend time together praying, worshipping & listening to Him.

22nd (Fri)

Pray for the Satellites team; as they continue to develop an exciting programme for the first ever Satellites event.

23rd (Sat)

Please pray for volunteers to sign up to join one of our Satellites teams. We need about 400 people to help us to run the event.

24th (Sun)

Pray for young carers, as they try to balance their role alongside school work, & trying to find time to spend with their friends.

25th (Mon)

Child poverty is rising in Luton & across the UK. Pray that families would be able to access practical & financial help & support; to help ease the pressures they are facing.

26th (Tue)

Pray that God inspires us with new & innovative ways to raise money for the work of Youthscape. And for Esther, our fundraiser.

27th (Wed)

Pray for the leadership team, as they trust & listen to God. Seeking how best to lead Youthscape, as we continue to support & encourage young people, volunteers & youth workers.

28th (Thu)

Please pray for the Alumina groups. For wisdom for the team leading the groups, & that the young people will feel comfortable & safe in their online groups.

29th (Fri)

Pray for young people being bullied at school or online, that they would find positive support & help.

30th (Sat)

For new young people joining the different Youthscape groups; led by our local team across Luton & in Bute Mills this term.

Follow us for all the latest Youthscape news.

Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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