1st (Mon)
Pray for the Youthscape team - that we will be able to enjoy a break, & spend time with our friends & families over the Easter holidays.
2nd (Tue)
Pray for young people & families who are struggling financially at this time, & who have no access to free school meals over the Easter holidays.
3rd (Wed)
Pray for young people whose lives are challenging, & who live in difficult home situations, especially during the school holidays when they will be spending much more time in those environments
4th (Thu)
Pray for young people accessing Alumina. So many are carrying such big emotions & difficult stories. Pray that we’re able to support them, & that they’re able to access help closer to home as well.
5th (Fri)
Pray for Christian young people, that they would know God’s presence with them. That they’d find support from friends, youth workers & churches, & that they would encourage each other in their faith. |
6th (Sat)
Pray for all those we partner with, that they would know the fullness of God in everything that they do.
7th (Sun)
Pray that God would breath His creativity over the Youthscape team.
8th (Mon)
Pray that the fullness of God would know be known in all that we, as Youthscape, do.
9th (Tue)
Rosie, our Events Manager, is now on maternity leave. Pray for Rosie, Jack & Imogen, that everything will go smoothly as they welcome the newest addition to their family.
10th (Wed)
Praise God for the churches who, having taken part in the Launchpad training, are now engaging with young people in their local communities.
11th (Thu)
Pray for the Youthscape Essentials Team, as they update the Youthscape Essentials Handbook. Pray for creativity & inspiration as they work on this.
12th (Fri)
Please pray that youth groups around the country will be inviting even more young people to join us at Satellites this summer.
13th (Sat)
Please pray for the for the local team: Gemma, Rob, Emily, Dave, Beki & Jemimah.
14th (Sun)
Pray for our board of trustees: Matt, Nenadi, Andy, Tim & Tolu, as they oversee the running of & management of Youthscape.
15th (Mon)
Please pray for the Satellites team; as they recruit volunteers, run DBS checks & co-ordinate a complex team, as well as organising the festival programme.
16th (Tue)
Please pray for the local team, volunteers & young people who are part of the Drop in community; which meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays, during term time. |
17th (Wed)
Pray for the Youthscape team who head off to Pleshey on retreat today - to pray & prepare for the summer term & Satellites.
18th (Thu)
While we are away on retreat, today & tomorrow, pray that God would inspire & speak to us, as we spend time together praying, worshipping & listening to Him. |
19th (Fri)
Please pray for the young people who will be attending Luton Unite One today, as they journey to know God more deeply.
20th (Sat)
Pray that God would provide healing & restoration for young people who have experienced trauma & hardship in their lives.
21st (Sun)
Pray for the Youthscape Local team - as all of this term’s programmes & courses begin this week.
22nd (Mon)
Bute Mills Youth Group, for years 7 & 8, starts again today. Pray for the young people who will be attending over the summer term, that this will be a place they feel safe & cared for.
23rd (Tue)
Pray for the young people who will be attending Drop-in, (in years 9 - 13), at Bute Mills, that they will enjoy being part of this community, & that it will be a place where they feel safe & supported.
24th (Wed)
Pray for young people revising & preparing for their GCSEs, A Levels etc. Especially for those who feel unprepared or nervous about sitting exams. |
25th (Thu)
Pray & thank God for our volunteers; as they make time to support the local team in the work they are doing with young people.
26th (Fri)
Please pray for Sarah, Mulkina, Ebony, Nicki & Lillie, as they manage the administration, finances, online store & room hire for Youthscape.
27th (Sat)
Funding is an ongoing requirement for the work of Youthscape, Alumina & the Satellites Festival. Please pray that we will find new sources of funding to support our work with young people & youth workers. |
28th (Sun)
Pray that more people will apply to volunteer to work at Satellites this summer, so we have enough people their to run the event well.
29th (Mon)
Pray for young carers, as they try to balance their role alongside school work, & trying to find time to spend with their friends. |
30th (Tue)
Pray for the young people taking part in our Compass group, taking place on Tuesdays this term. Pray that being part of this course would make a positive & lasting difference to their lives.