1st (Sat)
For young people who have difficult home lives. Pray that they will be safe & find support & positive friendships throughout the summer holidays. |
2nd (Sun)
Digital poverty means that the most vulnerable young people in society are suffering with isolation. Pray that technology would be made accessible to them. |
3rd (Mon)
Pray for the Youthscape team as they take time off over the summer. That they’ll be refreshed & re-energised after a particularly busy & unusual term. |
4th (Tue)
There are 700,000 young carers in the UK, it's hard work & often socially isolating. Pray for them, as many will be looking after vulnerable family members. |
5th (Wed)
Pray for youth workers using our new resource ‘Showcase’, that through it, they’ll be able to encourage young people to think creatively about faith. |
6th (Thu)
Thank God that we have been able to work with so many amazing young people from across Luton & around the UK this year. Pray that this work will continue to have a positive impact in their lives. |
7th (Fri)
Pray for young people who are especially vulnerable, finding themselves homeless or in abusive environments. (Many unknown to services & not receiving support.) That they'll be able to access help & that professionals are able to reach out to them. |
8th (Sat)
Pray for the Youthscape team who are working in August, supporting young people, youth workers & keeping up with the day to day admin. |
9th (Sun)
Many young people are struggling with anxiety, boredom & loneliness. Pray that they would find safe online support & friendship networks. |
10th (Mon)
Youth workers and professionals from around the UK, Europe & USA use our resources in their work with young people. Pray that these would be a real blessing to the work they do. |
11th (Tue)
Thank God for the youth workers & professionals working with young people. For their dedication & the ways they are finding to support those in their care. |
12th (Wed)
Please pray for local church leaders & youth workers as they support their congregations, young people & those in their communities over the summer holidays. |
13th (Thu)
A Level results are out today. Pray for young people starting university this autumn. Especially for those who's results will mean they need to go through clearing or retake exams. |
14th (Fri)
Pray that young people experiencing suicidal thoughts would feel able to reach out for help, & that they would find positive support to get them through these difficult times. |
15th (Sat)
Pray for young people struggling with their mental health to find support quickly. That those who are scared to admit to how they’re feeling would find someone safe to talk to. |
16th (Sun)
Pray that our latest research report, which highlights the way that Christian practice can help young people encounter God & develop faith, would inspire church leaders & youth workers. |
17th (Mon)
For young people dealing with loss & bereavement. Pray that they would be able to find support & opportunities to talk about & work through their grief. |
18th (Tue)
Pray for Chris, Youthscape's CEO, as he leads the charity and supports the team in the different areas of their work. |
19th (Wed)
For young people who are missing summer camps, christian festivals & family holidays this year. Pray that they would find positive & creative ways to spend their time. |
20th (Thu)
Pray for young people receiving their GCSE results today, as they prepare for college, further education & apprenticeships. |
21st (Fri)
Jenny manages Alumina, (our online work supporting young people who self-harm). Pray for her to know wisdom, understanding & peace in her work. |
22nd (Sat)
Pray that new opportunities will arise over the next academic year for Youthscape to serve young people, schools, youth workers & churches. |
23rd (Sun)
Pray for our Board of Trustees, as they continue to oversee the work of Youthscape over the next academic year. |
24th (Mon)
Volunteers are amazing & integral to our team & the work we do. Please pray that more people will join our volunteer team. |
25th (Tue)
Please pray for us as we continue fundraising towards the Satellites youth event, taking place in summer 2021. |
26th (Wed)
Pray for youth workers engaging young people on the subject of racial justice, & for what we can do to keep this conversation at the forefront. |
27th (Thu)
As youth workers plan for the term ahead, pray that God would inspire them in how best to lead & encourage the young people they work with. |
28th (Fri)
Pray for those young people in Luton who are struggling with anxiety & who are especially worried about returning to school next week. |
29th (Sat)
Please pray that God will be at the centre of all our work; as we work with young people, youth workers & in partnership with churches & organisations in Luton and beyond. |
30th (Sun)
We have really positive relationships with schools, but would love to keep developing & strengthening these. Pray that we’re able to increase our provision & support for students & staff. |
31st (Mon)
Pray for Chris & the Leadership Team. That they will know God’s wisdom & vision as they plan for the year ahead. |