
Summer is here, but the pressures and challenges of the last year seem just as real. We end the academic year thankful for what we have been able to do, but uncertain about what is ahead this Autumn.

We're grateful to God that our team are safe and well, that despite the awfulness of lockdown and what has been happening, none of them have suffered serious illness. Even so, the months of lockdown have taken their toll.

We're grateful for the impact we've had in the lives of so many young people, but we are still seeing so many of them struggling. Referrals for young people self-harming have DOUBLED since November. Our team have been doing so much good work with these young people, but it is a challenge to meet demand.

We are in awe of youth leaders in churches up and down the UK, who've done so much to keep supporting young people in their church and in the community. New connections have been made and we've seen some of the most inspiring and innovative projects start up. But we are conscious that other young people have slipped away, and the task in the Autumn for many youth leaders will be trying to reconnect.

So, we are acutely aware of the challenges everyone is facing, and the needs that are still unmet, but we have faith that Jesus is at work in young people's lives, and that his love and grace is present. And, after a summer break, we will be ready to get going!


1st (Sun)

There are many families for whom the summer holidays are difficult. Please pray for those who are struggling to cope - for protection and peace.

2nd (Mon)

Jenny Cavendish starts with Alumina at the beginning of August as co-manager. Pray for her, as she’s holding the fort alone in August, & pray that the rest of the team has a good break after an intense year.

3rd (Tue)

Thank God for Phoebe, our Head of Theology, who is off on maternity leave very soon to have a baby.

4th (Wed)

For young people facing homelessness, pray that professionals will come alongside them, & that they’ll be able to access the help they need.

5th (Thu)

For the funding bids we’ve applied to for our local work, that God would go ahead of the applications & prepare the hearts of those making the decisions.

6th (Fri)

Pray for the team preparing for the launch of Youthscape Essentials - Train the Trainer, starting in September.

7th (Sat)

Many young people struggle with loneliness & social isolation. Please pray for those who feel this even more acutely during the school holidays.

8th (Sun)

Please pray for the Luton Unite Summer Gathering, from 10th-12th August, which is being hosted by our local team at Bute Mills, & for all the local church youth groups as they come together.

9th (Mon)

Pray for the Satellites team as we visit the event site, one year to the day before the first event in 2022!

10th (Tue)

A Level results are due out today. Pray for young people starting university this autumn; especially for those who's results will mean they need to go through clearing or retake exams.

11th (Wed)

Pray for the Youthscape team, each taking some time off over the summer holidays, that we would have a restful break ahead of the autumn term.

12th (Thu)

Pray for young people receiving their GCSE results today, as they prepare for college, further education & apprenticeships.

13th (Fri)

Many families find school holidays difficult. Those who are struggling emotionally, those with strained relationships & family breakdown, with addictions, abuse & violence. Pray for protection and peace.

14th (Sat)

Pray for Christian youth workers in the UK, as they support young people over the summer holidays.

15th (Sun)

Pray that young people experiencing suicidal thoughts would feel able to reach out for help. And pray that they would find positive support to get them through these difficult times.

16th (Mon)

Please pray for those who are working while other staff take holidays & rest, that they’ll feel supported.

17th (Tue)

Thank God for the funding we have received for various areas of our work over the past academic year.

18th (Wed)

Pray for Kate, Jenny, Jenny, Laura & the amazing volunteers on our BeHeadStrong team. As they provide mental health support & advice for young people, their parents, youth workers & other professionals.

19th (Thu)

Please pray for the organisations considering our grant applications. Pray that we will receive positive responses that will make a real difference to our work.

20th (Fri)

A record number of students are due to start university in the autumn term. Pray for them as they prepare for this new season.

21st (Sat)

Volunteers are amazing & integral to our team & the work we do. Please pray that more people will join our volunteer team for the next academic year.

22nd (Sun)

Thank God for the youth workers & professionals who work with young people; for their dedication & for the ways they support those in their care.

23rd (Mon)

Thank God for the wonderful volunteers who’ve continued working with us over the past year. And pray that they will enjoy a break over the summer.

24th (Tue)

Pray that, whatever our role at Youthscape, we’re able to communicate something of our faith through our words & actions to those we come into contact with.

25th (Wed)

Pray for the Youthscape leadership team & the trustees, for God’s wisdom & vision as they plan for the year ahead.

26th (Thu)

Please pray for more volunteers to come forward in our local churches, (to help with youth ministry & support for the young people in their congregations).

27th (Fri)

Pray for the team planning the National Youth Ministry Weekend (NYMW), taking place in November.

28th (Sat)

Pray that new opportunities will arise over the next academic year for Youthscape to serve young people, schools, youth workers & churches.

29th (Sun)

Pray for those young people in Luton who are struggling with anxiety and who are especially worried about returning to school.

30th (Mon)

As youth workers plan for the term ahead, pray that God would inspire them in how best to lead & encourage the young people they work with.

31st (Tue)

Pray for Chris & the Leadership Team. That they will know God’s wisdom & vision as they plan for the year ahead.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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