
There’s often a sterotype that loneliness mainly strikes older, isolated people. And of course it can. But research done by the BBC has shown that 40% of young people who took part said they often or very often feel lonely. Hard to imagine perhaps, in a world where young people are glued to their phones. But, in fact, sometimes the pressures of social media makes young people feel even more isolated and left on the outside. And making friends isn’t always easy if you move school, or other big changes happen in your life.

We’ve been thinking about this a lot at Youthscape, and some of you will know we started a little project to help a few years back. This was before loneliness became an even bigger issue through the pandemic. Gemma and the team here in Luton created an amazing programme that brought together a small number of young people who were feeling isolated and helped them find confidence and connection. We call it Openhouse.

Now we’ve made that programme available to churches across the country so that thousands more young people can benefit. We’ve written a book for churches who, want to run the same programme, made some videos and workbooks for young people and published them in the last few weeks. Openhouse is now something you can offer the isolated young people in your own community.

Youthscape can’t work directly with every young person in the country, but we can make resources to help others do what we’re doing. Openhouse is one of more than 30 programmes we now offer. The work we started in Luton is spreading. And your prayers are such an encouragement and blessing as do that work. Thank you.


1st (Thu)

Pray for inspiration & creativity for Chris & the team, as they look for new sources of income & fundraising ideas for Youthscape.

2nd (Fri)

Pray for the Youthscape team; for wisdom, vision and energy. That we would be supportive of each other in all areas of our work.

3rd (Sat)

Pray for those feeling the additional pressures & expenses of Christmas. For those parents who won't be able to afford presents, & who are worried about keeping their families fed & warm.

4th (Sun)

Child poverty is on the rise in Luton & across the UK. Pray that families would be able to access practical and financial help and support; to ease the burdens they are facing.

5th (Mon)

Drop in takes place on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays, after school. Pray that this would be a positive, safe community for local young people.

6th (Tue)

Pray for young people being bullied, at school or online, that they would find positive support and help.

7th (Wed)

Pray that we would see more young people from Drop-In coming to Luton Unite & exploring faith.

8th (Thu)

Pray for young people experiencing racism, that they would know the support of people around them, & that these issues would be addressed positively in communities locally, nationally and globally.

9th (Fri)

The Luton Unite Christmas Ball takes place at LCF this evening. Pray the young people & youth workers would have a wonderful time, & pray for protection for their health as they spend time together.

10th (Sat)

Thank God for our faithful supporters, who support us in prayer, financially & as volunteers.

11th (Sun)

Youth workers and professionals from around the UK and Europe use our resources in their work with young people. Pray that they would be a real blessing to the work they do.

12th (Mon)

The final drop-in sessions before Christmas take place this week. Pray that the young people would enjoy themselves there. And pray for them over the Christmas holidays - without this additional support.

13th (Tue)

Pray for Hannah & the Innovation team, as they look for new opportunities for innovation that truly met the needs of todays young people.

14th (Wed)

Pray for Christian young people in Luton, that they will grow in their faith and confidence.

15th (Thu)

Pray for the team rewriting some of our older, popular resources, so they continue to be relevant.

16th (Fri)

Pray for young people who self-harm - more than 1 in 5 across the UK - to find safer and better ways of coping with overwhelming feelings.

17th (Sat)

Thank God for the funding we have received for various areas of our work.

18th (Sun)

Pray for charities & organisations across Luton who support and serve young people & their families, & for Youthscape’s partnership with them.

19th (Mon)

Pray for young carers, that they will be able to find the support they need as they care for vulnerable family members. Pray too - that they won’t feel isolated over the Christmas holidays.

20th (Tue)

Pray for school staff, that they would be able to rest & enjoy time with their families over the Christmas break. So they can go back to work feeling refreshed in the new year.

21st (Wed)

Church leaders & youth workers are supporting their congregations, young people & those in their communities. Pray that they'd know God's wisdom, inspiration & peace as they serve.

22nd (Thu)

Many young people struggle with loneliness & social isolation. Please pray for those who feel this even more acutely during the school holidays.

23rd (Fri)

Pray for the Youthscape team, that they would enjoy a break over Christmas & New Year. And that they would feel relaxed & refreshed as they return for the Spring term in January.

24th (Sat)

Many families find school holidays difficult. Those who are struggling emotionally, those with strained relationships & family breakdown, with addictions, abuse & violence. Pray for protection and peace.

25th (Sun)

Praise God for the birth & life of Jesus, & for the chance we have to celebrate that at Christmas. Thank God for the difference he makes to our lives.

26th (Mon)

Pray for vulnerable young people, families living in poverty & for those with abusive or chaotic family relationships. That they would be able to find the support & help they need to stay safe.

27th (Tue)

Pray for Christian young people, that they would know God’s presence with them. That they would find support from friends, youth workers & churches, & that they would encourage each other in their faith.

28th (Wed)

Pray for young people who, for many reasons, find themselves homeless; sleeping on the streets, or in short term accommodation & facing an uncertain future.

29th (Thu)

Pray that young people experiencing suicidal thoughts would feel able to reach out for help. And pray that they would find positive support to get them through these difficult times.

30th (Fri)

Please pray for young people who are grieving the loss of family members & friends. Many of whom will be feeling it even more poignantly at this time of year.

31st (Sat)

Pray for the Alumina online Drop In session today, that young people who are struggling with difficult family situations & eating disorders will find this really helpful.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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