
As we approach the festive season, we wish you a wonderful and happy Christmas!

It’s been a brilliant term for us at Youthscape, but we’re ready to take a break and celebrate with our families.

It’s also a chance to think about the powerful message of God - who comes to visit humanity - through a baby, born to a homeless couple, in an obscure village in an occupied country.

Sometimes, what you are looking for is found in unexpected places. It was true then, and it’s true now. Young people are searching for meaning and purpose, identity and value. Many of them have dismissed Christian faith as having any answer to those needs. What could the people inside that old church building, near my home, have for me? It seems just as unlikely as the first Christmas!

Of course, we know - that within those church walls there is hope, purpose and new life! Youthscape is here to help those churches make that hope more visible to the young people in their communities. That’s our prayer for this season, and for 2024. Thank you for sharing that vision with us.

Merry Christmas!

Chris & the Youthscape Team


1st (Fri)

As darker, colder nights impact social connection - pray young people wouldn’t be isolated. Pray they would find support with their mental health, & will feel the hope of Christmas & the coming spring.

2nd (Sat)

Please pray for the Satellites team this month, as they interview for a new event co-ordinator on 11th December.

3rd (Sun)

Pray for the Local team’s football project, as this term’s pilot comes to an end. That it’s impactful, helpful for the young people involved, & that the schools are pleased with the results of this course.

4th (Mon)

Please pray for the final Youthscape Essentials hosting workshop of this term, taking place today. This workshop is for all new licence holders, & those considering running the course in their organisations.

5th (Tue)

Two Launchpad cohorts complete in December: 1 in Willesden & 1 in St Albans. Pray for the 20 clergy who are being commissioned by their Bishops, to put what they’ve learned into practice in their youth work.

6th (Wed)

Our local team have recently launched a Luton Unite worship band - comprising of local young people. Please pray for them as they work together, that this group will go from strength to strength.

7th (Thu)

Chris & Alice are leading the final session of Launchpad training for the St Albans cohort. Pray that this will be a really positive ending, which helps the church leaders consolidate all they have learned.

8th (Fri)

Tonight is the Luton Unite Christmas Ball, being held at LCF Church. This year it’s a Fancy Dress Party! Pray that the everyone will have a wonderful, fun-filled evening together celebrating Christmas.

9th (Sat)

Pray for those feeling the additional pressures & financial worries of Christmas. For parents who won’t be able to afford presents, & who are worried about keeping their families fed & warm.

10th (Sun)

Many young people, who are struggling with their mental health, are on the Alumina course waiting list. Pray that those with high levels of need are able to find the help they need soon.

11th (Mon)

In the last year, 135,800 young people have approached their local authority because they were homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

Pray for young people who, for many reasons, find themselves homeless; sleeping on the streets, or in short term accommodation, facing an uncertain future.

12th (Tue)

Today, the Youthscape Essentials team are bringing together local youth workers & volunteer, to learn more about youth work with young people. Pray that this would be a really positive & helpful meeting.

13th (Wed)

Tomorrow is the Launchpad celebration in St Albans, for those who've taken part in the programme. An opportunity for their congregations to mark the occasion by celebrating & joining the vision for youth ministry within their churches.

14th (Thu)

Today is the final drop-in session before the school Christmas holidays. Pray the young people would enjoy themselves, & pray for them over the Christmas holidays - when they are without this additional support.

15th (Fri)

Luton Unite One is taking place this evening at Bute Mills. Pray for the young people exploring faith together as part of this discipleship group.

16th (Sat)

We have 2 new members of staff starting with the Central team, Ebony & Chloe. Pray that they would settle in quickly, & enjoy being part of the team. Pray too for Alex (Du Rand), as she begins her maternity leave.

17th (Sun)

Pray for our Alumina drop-in community, & for those who are struggling at this time. That they can access the support they need, are comforted through their times of struggle, & that they can find love, care & peace in their life.

18th (Mon)

Pray for young people who are living in poverty around the UK, & for those who are not currently living with their families. Christmastime can be a nightmare for some families & young people, highlighting the things they are missing.

19th (Tue)

Pray for the young people who have completed Compass & Fearless this term, that they would remember what they have learned, & that it would continue to have a positive impact on their lives.

20th (Wed)

Pray for school staff; that they will be able to enjoy spending time with their friends & families over the Christmas holidays. And that they will be able to switch off from their work & relax.

21st (Thu)

Please pray for young people who are grieving the loss of family members & friends. Many of whom will be feeling it even more poignantly at this time of year.

22nd (Fri)

Pray for the Youthscape team, that they would enjoy a break over Christmas & New Year. And that they would feel relaxed & refreshed as they return for the Spring term in January.

23rd (Sat)

Many families find the holidays hard. Those who are struggling emotionally, those with strained relationships, family breakdown, addictions, abuse & violence. Pray they’d know protection & peace.

24th (Sun)

Pray for young carers, looking after family members - that they will be able to find the support they need. Pray too, that they won’t feel isolated over the Christmas holidays.

25th (Mon)

Thank God for the birth & life of Jesus, & for the chance we have to celebrate that at Christmas. Praise God for the difference he makes to our lives.

26th (Tue)

Pray for vulnerable young people, families living in poverty, & for those with abusive or chaotic family relationships. That they would be able to find the support & help they need to stay safe.

27th (Wed)

Please pray for the growing number of young people around the UK who struggle with loneliness & social isolation, & who feel this even more acutely during the school holidays.

28th (Thu)

Pray for young people experiencing suicidal thoughts, that they would feel able to reach out for help. Pray that they would find positive support to get them through these difficult times.

29th (Fri)

Please pray for the continuing work of the Launchpad team: Chris, Alice & Gilllian, as they meet & work with Dioceses who would like to begin Launchpad in 2024.

30th (Sat)

Pray for Christian young people, that they would know God’s presence with them. That they would find support from friends, youth workers & churches, & that they would encourage each other in their faith.

31st (Sun)

Please pray for the Alumina online Drop In session today, that young people who are struggling with difficult family situations & eating disorders will find this session helpful & supportive.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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