
Well, we didn’t expect to be here did we? We had plans to be in schools across Luton this term, but we find ourselves instead at home - like you. It’s hard going, even when the end is hopefully coming into sight.

Some of our team are home schooling, or dealing with other commitments, so we’re having to think on our feet and find new ways to supprt young people through this winter and spring.

That support includes our two big mental health projects: Alumina - supporting young people who self-harm, and Be Headstrong, (www.beheadstrong.uk), our new project to help teenagers have positive mental health. Both are in heavy demand.

Our local team are also running Challenge Accepted, which is a new project we’ve launched in Luton, to give young people something fun and positive to do whilst they’re stuck at home. Your support is helping us make this happen.

Now, more than ever, we want to put our faith into action and reach out to where we’re needed most. And we want to equip and inspire churches, throughout the UK, to do the same for the young people in their communities. That’s why we’re here and do what we do. Thank you for being part of it, for your prayers and support, we really appreciate it.


1st (Mon)

Please pray for school staff, as they oversee online learning for many students, alongside working with pupils who are vulnerable & with those who’s parents are key-workers.

2nd (Tue)

Please pray for the Satellites event this summer, & in particular - that the impact of Covid-19 on our plans will be made clear as soon as possible.

3rd (Wed)

Please pray for our team. We are working from home, which can be really challenging - especially for those who are balancing work & childcare.

4th (Thu)

Gemma is leading ‘Challenge Accepted’: 6 weekly, creative challenges, designed to boost the mood of young people taking part during lockdown. Please pray for Gemma & the team as they manage the logistics over 6 weeks.

5th (Fri)

Please pray for the safety, health & mental wellbeing of NHS staff & key-workers. And for the impact everything they are doing has on them & their families.

6th (Sat)

Please pray for the teachers & staff in our local schools, for their physical & mental health. They are working long hours, with so many additional pressures at this time.

7th (Sun)

Over 120 young people are taking part in ‘Challenge Accepted’. Pray that this course will challenge them & engage their creativity, & that it would be a really positive & encouraging experience for them.

8th (Mon)

The Innovation team are meeting online today, to plan their new projects for 2021. Please pray for inspiration & wisdom as they seek to serve young people & the youth work community.

9th (Tue)

Pray that young people experiencing suicidal thoughts would feel able to reach out for help, & that they would find positive support to get them through these difficult times.

10th (Wed)

Today, Lucie & a team from Tearfund are launching ‘Burning Down the House’: Research on young people, church & climate change. Pray for them as they share the research with church leaders across the UK.

11th (Thu)

Please pray for the team putting our next online youth work conference ‘Renew Normal’ together, planning a programme that will help youth leaders around the UK. (www.youthscape.co.uk/renewnormal)

12th (Fri)

Digital poverty means the most vulnerable young people aren’t able to use the technology that’s so often required for schoolwork. Pray that opportunities to access equipment would be made available to them.

13th (Sat)

It’s half term this week. Pray for young people, especially those who have a difficult time at home & miss the additional support of the school routine during holidays.

14th (Sun)

Pray for vulnerable young people, families living in poverty & for those with abusive or chaotic family relationships; that they would be able to find the support & help they need to stay safe.

15th (Mon)

Thank God for the creativity & adaptability of our Innovation team, as they have created & continue to develop new resources for youth leaders working in ever-changing contexts.

16th (Tue)

Pray for young people experiencing racism, that they would know the support of people around them. And that these issues will be addressed proactively in communities locally, nationally & globally.

17th (Wed)

Pray that young people dealing with bereavement wouldn’t have to go through it alone, & that they would be able to find support & peace at this time.

18th (Thu)

Please pray that youth leaders will respond well as we share more of the vision of the Satellites event today.

19th (Fri)

Pray that young people, parents, youth workers & other professionals will find our mental wellbeing, online resource: ‘Be Headstrong’. And that they will find it encouraging & helpful.

20th (Sat)

Pray for the team developing a new edition of our Shuffle resource, which will help young people think about ways to care for the environment & how that connects with their faith.

21st (Sun)

For young people taking part in our Alumina groups. Pray that they would get the support they need to help them overcome their mental health struggles, & that it will be a safe space for them to talk.

22nd (Mon)

Pray for Esther & the team involved in fundraising, for creativity to find new streams of income to support the work of Youthscape.

23rd (Tue)

Thank God for all the youth workers, volunteers & other professionals working with young people. For their dedication & the ways they are finding to support those in their care.

24th (Wed)

Young people across the UK are making decisions about further education, training & jobs. Please pray for wisdom & support for them, as they look to the future in such uncertain times.

25th (Thu)

Pray for Amy, Joe & Olly, who manage Youthscape’s website (www.youthscape.co.uk), our social media content, & our publicity & marketing.

26th (Fri)

Youth workers & professionals from the UK & around the world use our resources in their work with young people. Pray that these would be a real blessing to the work they are doing in their communities.

27th (Sat)

Please pray for Lillie & the team piloting the first Youthscape Essentials online course, & for the volunteers attending.

28th (Sun)

Pray that funders would be inspired to support the work we are doing with young people, families & youth workers.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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