
What do young people think about Christian faith? The young people in your community, walking by to school everyday.

There's a simple answer to that. They don't think about it. Questions about faith aren't at the front of their minds most of the time, if not all of the time. Perhaps that's one reason why our churches are perilously empty of young people.

But don't assume that means nothing is going on. Given the right opportunity - a safe space - young people have deep and challenging questions about life, death and finding meaning.

A few years ago, we interviewed over twenty young people across Luton, to ask them what they thought about faith. Each interview lasted an hour. At the start, they were quick to say they had no questions, no thoughts about it. But given a little time, by the end of each session, it was quite the reverse. Many of them said that they wanted to keep talking - they'd never had anyone talk seriously with them about the big questions of life.

Most young people, it turns out, are not atheists, but rather "god-positive agnostics". That term we've coined to mean someone who says "I don't know if there's something or someone out there - but I kind of hope the answer is yes!"

Across Luton, in schools and in Bute Mills, we're trying to create the kind of safe and honest spaces where those conversations can be had. And our national team are writing and creating resources to help other youth leaders around the country do the same.

Every time you pray and support Youthscape, you're helping us have those deep and meaningful encounters with young people - so thank you. And be reminded this month, that young people are ready and willing to talk about big and important issues... The question is, who is ready to have that conversation with them?



1st (Tue)

Please pray for a gathering of youth leaders happening in Surrey, as we share the vision of the Satellites event with them.

2nd (Wed)

Martin is speaking at an online training event for youth workers across the South West of England. Helping them to inspire young people to read & engage with the Bible.

3rd (Thu)

Pray for Gemma & Natasha, as they lead Fearless this term. A new group of young people will be attending for the first time today. Pray that they enjoy their first day, & that it will make a positive & lasting difference in their lives.

4th (Fri)

Young people from Youthscape & local churches are joining together tonight for this month’s Luton Unite event. Pray for them as they have fun, pray, & spend time together.

5th (Sat)

This is the second month of Orbit, (online daily reflections). Pray that it will be a resources that really helps young people to grow in their understanding of the Christian faith.

6th (Sun)

Please pray that lots of youth groups would sign up for the We Are Satellites event, (9th - 13th August), before the Early Bird Deadline at the end of this month.

7th (Mon)

The local team are leading two of the Cardinal Newman Retreat days this month, on the 7th & 23rd. With 30 year 10’s at each one, & they will be exploring what positive relationships look like.

8th (Tue)

Martin & Rachel are visiting various churches around the North West of England to tell them more about the Satellites event.

9th (Wed)

Please pray for the Alumina groups. For wisdom for the team leading the groups, & that the young people will feel comfortable & safe in their online groups.

10th (Thu)

Please pray for inspiration & tenacity for Esther, (our fundraiser), as she looks to create & develop new ways of funding the work of Youthscape.

11th (Fri)

Please pray for Rob; leading the Cardinal Newman Retreat Days with Dave, & relaunching youth work at St. John’s this term, having missed the last term with a ruptured Achilles tendon.

12th (Sat)

Jenny (F) & Jenny (C) both manage Alumina, our online work supporting young people who self-harm. Pray for them to know wisdom, understanding & peace in their work.

13th (Sun)

Please pray that the 'God's Good Earth' resource will help young people to engage with the climate crisis & empower them to make a difference.

14th (Mon)

Please pray for our site visit to the brand new venue for the NYMW 2022. Pray too, that it's a space where we’ll be able to create a really welcoming experience for youth workers.

15th (Tue)

This week is half term. Pray for young people for whom home life is challenging, & for young carers who are looking after family members & may well have extra responsibilities during the holidays.

16th (Wed)

Chris, Alex & Jemimah are leading the Youthscape Essentials course, for volunteer youth leaders. Pray that it would inspire those involved in their work with young people.

17th (Thu)

Drop in takes place, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays, after school. Pray that this would be a positive, safe community for local young people.

18th (Fri)

The Luton Unite 'Weekend at Home' is taking place today & tomorrow. Pray that the youth workers & young people, would have a fantastic weekend together.

19th (Sat)

Alumina has more applicants than ever. Pray that young people would find the support they need in the groups & the online drop in, & that it will make a positive, lasting difference to their lives.

20th (Sun)

Created; our course that helps young people explore their mental health & wellbeing through art & creativity starts tomorrow. Pray that being part of the course will make a tangible difference to the lives of the young people involved.

21st (Mon)

Pray for Dave, who's leading the local team's new Football project, which starts today. It's for young people in Years 9-13, using the medium of sport to teach team work, responsibility & to build character.

22nd (Tue)

Compass starts today, a course for Year 9 students at risk of exclusion or disengaging with education. Please pray for Matt as he leads the session, & for the young people to have a positive first day.

23rd (Wed)

Please pray for David & Rob - who are leading a Cardinal Newman retreat day today. Also, that the young people involved would enjoy learning about building positive relationships in their lives.

24th (Thu)

Thank God for all the youth workers, volunteers & other professionals, across the UK, working with young people. For their dedication & the ways they are finding to support those in their care.

25th (Fri)

Please pray for our local team: Jemimah, Gemma, David, Robert, Reuben, Natasha & Matt. That they would know God's presence in they work with young people, with youth workers & in local schools.

26th (Sat)

Pray for youth groups around the UK, who are reading through the We Are Satellites book together, as they explore what it means to be disciples.

27th (Sun)

Thank God for the funding we received last term, & for the difference it makes to the work we are able to do with young people & youth workers.

28th (Mon)

For young people, preparing this term for their GCSEs, A Levels etc. Pray that they would be able to revise well & find practical support & help when they are feeling overwhelmed.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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