
Our team are the heart of Youthscape - and I want to take a few moments this month to tell you a bit about them. Nearly 30 paid staff in total, and a huge team of volunteers. Together they are the ones meeting young people in schools in Luton or online in an Alumina group. They're diligently overseeing our finances, welcoming people to Bute Mills, and creating our resources. Many live in Luton and the surrounding area, of course, but we are a national organisation these days so they're in Devon, south London, Blackburn and even Glasgow too. They come with an abundance of qualifications and experience but more than anything, a heart for young people and their place in the church. They commit themselves to serving at Youthscape and they live out that commitment day after day in countless ways, often going above and beyond. And we are committed to working together as a team too - every Monday we share a chapel service together, in person and on zoom. Three times a year we gather for a prayer retreat. And there's a stream of conversation on the Youthscape WhatsApp!

So if you have a moment, pray for our team this month as they go about their work and meet hundred of young people. And we're just advertising for several new team members right now - so pray we find the people for these vital roles. Youthscape is a charity, but it's really a group of people, committed to making a difference in young people's lives. That's what makes it such a special place to be.


1st (Wed)

School can be a very daunting & difficult place for some young people. Please pray for those who are struggling to make friends, who are lonely, & for those experiencing bullying.

2nd (Thu)

Please pray for the Youthscape team & volunteers - as they work with local young people, youth workers & church leaders around the country, & as we welcome people in to Bute Mills to use the building.

3rd (Fri)

Young people from Youthscape & local churches are joining together tonight for this month’s Luton Unite event. Pray for them as they have fun, pray, & spend time together.

4th (Sat)

Pray for Drop In, taking place each Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, (3.30pm - 6pm), for those in years 9 - 13.

5th (Sun)

Our local schools are really busy places, with a lot of pressures. Pray for the health & wellbeing of the teachers & staff, as they work alongside the young people in their care.

6th (Mon)

The Youthscape anti racism resource (Anti Racism Conversations) has gone to print. It is a complex resource, with lots of different parts, please pray that making the physical resource goes smoothly, & that it comes together really well.

7th (Tue)

Pray for Robson & the Alumina team, supporting young people who self-harm. Pray that they would know wisdom, understanding & peace as they support these young people.

8th (Wed)

We are currently rewriting our Talking About Emotions playing cards. Mental well-being is so important, so please pray that we get the questions right & create a genuinely helpful resource.

9th (Thu)

We have new resources due out, dealing with the issues of Anxiety, Self-harm, & Anger. Please pray that these would be valuable resources for anyone working with young people.

10th (Fri)

Pray for those who are struggling financially, especially those who are having to make difficult decisions about spending money on food or heating, & who are worried about how to look after their families.

11th (Sat)

Please pray for the Alumina groups. For wisdom for the team leading the sessions, & that the young people would feel safe & comfortable in their online groups, & are able to access the help they need.

12th (Sun)

Pray for the Satellites team, as they continue to develop an exciting programme for our Satellites event this summer.

13th (Mon)

This week is half term. Pray for young people for whom home life is challenging, & for young carers who are looking after family members & may well have extra responsibilities during the holidays.

14th (Tue)

For young people across Luton who are in our different groups this term: Pray that taking part will make a huge difference to their wellbeing, & have a lasting, positive impact on their lives.

15th (Wed)

Pray for young people experiencing racism, that they would know the support of people around them, & that these issues would be addressed positively in communities locally, nationally and globally.

16th (Thu)

Please pray for the health of the Youthscape team members. And pray that we would be supportive of each other in all areas of our work.

17th (Fri)

This weekend is the 'Luton Unite at Home Weekend' (16th - 19th February), based at Bute Mills. Please pray for safety for everyone involved, that the young people will have a fantastic time, & that they would want to know more about Jesus.

18th (Sat)

Young people who have attended the Alumina course can also take part in the online Alumina drop ins. Pray that they would continue to find these a source of support & encouragement, especially when they are struggling.

19th (Sun)

Pray for young people who have come to the UK as refugees. And for our local team, as they seek to find ways to serve young refugees in our town well.

20th (Mon)

It's the Bute Mills youth group for years 7 & 8 on Mondays after school. Pray that the young people will enjoy being part of the group & getting to know the local team & each other.

21st (Tue)

Pray for the team leading Fearless and Compass; for strength, times to rest, grace & for God's inspiration as they run the course & look at developing it for the future.

22nd (Wed)

Many young people are making decisions about further education jobs etc. Please pray for wisdom and support for them as they look to the future.

23rd (Thu)

Thank God for all the youth workers, volunteers & other professionals, across the UK, working with young people. For their dedication & the ways they are finding to support those in their care.

24th (Fri)

Please pray for the Youthscape Essentials course. That it'll strengthen the number of volunteers working with young people in churches, & that more young people might come to know Jesus as a result.

25th (Sat)

For young people, preparing this term for their GCSEs, A Levels etc. Pray that they would be able to revise well & find practical support & help when they are feeling overwhelmed.

26th (Sun)

Please pray for our local team: Jemimah, Gemma, David, Robert, Beki & Matt. That they would know God's presence in they work with young people, with youth workers & in local schools.

27th (Mon)

Thank God for the funding we received last term, & for the difference it makes to the work we are able to do with young people, volunteers, youth workers & church leaders.

28th (Tue)

For education staff working in our schools, colleges & universities, pray that they would be able to find valuable support when they need it.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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