
If you haven’t already seen it, you might like to take a look at the new Youthscape Prayer band (https://www.youthscape.co.uk/s...), a resource we’ve made to help young people explore Christian prayer. A habit of praying developed during your teenage years, might last you a lifetime.

Young people growing up in the church hear people praying - of course - but who actually teaches them how to do it themselves? And who opens their minds to the amazing variety of practice and experience within the church - from silent contemplation to noisy intercession?

We wanted to help, and the result was The Prayer Band; a simple tool that you wear like a bracelet, and which is a reminder, not only to talk to God each day, but also to think about the different types of prayer - like confession or thanksgiving. Of course listening to God is also included - since prayer is a two-way conversation!

Why are we doing this? Part of Youthscape’s vision is to give the church and young people the tools to help grow faith. The Prayer Band is part of the work of our Innovation and Resources Team, a brilliant and creative group at Youthscape who are dreaming up all kinds of resources and support for youth work. If you take a look at the Prayer Band on our website, you may also want to look at all the other fantastic resources they’ve made.

So, this month we pray for them, their work, and for young people taking their first steps in prayer.


1st (Thu)

Launchpad have induction training today. Our 2024 facilitators will be finishing their course before they begin delivering Launchpad in their dioceses/areas.

2nd (Fri)

Young people from Youthscape & local churches are joining together tonight for this month’s Luton Unite event, which is taking place at Bute Mills. Pray that it would be a wonderful evening for them all.

3rd (Sat)

David, Robert & Beki, are holding a Football Project final match this month, for the young people who took part in last term's group. Pray that this would be a positive experience for both teams.

4th (Sun)

Many youth workers have already bought Prayer Bands for their young people. Pray that wearing them will encourage these young people to pray regularly, & to engage with different types of prayer.

5th (Mon)

Pray for the young people taking part in our Compass group, on Tuesdays this month. That being part of this course would make a positive & lasting difference to their lives.

6th (Tue)

Today is the first Deep Dive Live for Youthscape Essentials. The team are leading a session, going deeper into a module of the course.

7th (Wed)

Pray for young people on the Fearless & Compass courses this term; that they would enjoy being part of the group, & that their lives would be positively changed for the future.

8th (Thu)

Please pray for Martin, as he flies to New Jersey today to teach on Princeton Theological Seminary’s youth ministry programme.

9th (Fri)

Trussell Trust autumn '23 statistics: 320,000 people have turned to their food banks for the first time. Pray for food banks on the front line, trying to supply the things people need at this time.

10th (Sat)

Please pray for the Satellites team, as they continue planning & organising the event during Martin’s month of sabbatical.

11th (Sun)

For young people who are preparing for their GCSEs, A Levels etc. Pray that they would be able to revise well, & find practical support & help when they are feeling overwhelmed.

12th (Mon)

Pray for our new Alumina volunteers starting this year. Pray they would have wisdom & understanding as they work with young people struggling with their mental health.

13th (Tue)

The Youthscape Essentials course, for local volunteers & youth leaders, is meeting tonight. (It's their 6th session together.) Pray the participants would grow in confidence, & that their faith would deepen as they take part in this course.

14th (Wed)

Please pray for Innovation team: Jemimah, Hannah & Laura. Pray for God’s inspiration & creativity as they work together to develop new resources for youth workers & young people.

15th (Thu)

The latest Fearless course starts today, at Bute Mills. Pray for the team leading the group, & for the young people taking part - that positive relationships will be built quickly, & that they will enjoy being part of this course.

16th (Fri)

Pray for churches considering joining a Youthscape Essentials course at the moment, that they would feel inspired to start one. Pray too for for those groups running in dioceses around the UK.

17th (Sat)

Please pray for the Alumina groups. For wisdom for the team leading the sessions, & that the young people would feel safe & comfortable in their online groups.

18th (Sun)

Pray for youth workers, churches, youth organisations & young people using our resources. Pray that they'll enjoy using them, find them insightful, & that these resources will make a difference to the lives of many.

19th (Mon)

Pray for the young people in school years 7 & 8, who attend the Bute Mills Youth Group, (which takes place on Mondays after school).

20th (Tue)

Please pray that we’ll continue to see many young people choosing to be baptised & confirmed, having attended Satellites last Summer.

21st (Wed)

The End Child Poverty Coalition Report 2023, has revealed that 4.2 million children in the UK are living in poverty. Pray that their families will be able to find support, & that more will be done systemically to support people in poverty.

22nd (Thu)

The local team are holding a ‘Local Projects Reunion’ today; for young people who’ve taken part in various aspects of our work over the past couple of terms. Pray this would encourage all those involved.

23rd (Fri)

This weekend is the 'Luton Unite at Home Weekend' (23rd - 24th February), based at Bute Mills. Please pray for safety for everyone involved, that the young people will have a fantastic time, & that they would want to know more about Jesus.

24th (Sat)

Funding is an ongoing requirement for the work of Youthscape, Alumina & the Satellites Festival. Please pray that we will find new sources of funding to support our work with young people & youth workers.

25th (Sun)

Pray that new groups will continue to book to come to Satellites this Summer, & that we’ll be able to find enough volunteers to work there as we grow in size.

26th (Mon)

Today is the Launchpad Celebration event for St. Albans - a time to share their plans and hopes for youth work in their churches. Pray that God will inspire them during this time, & in their work with young people.

27th (Tue)

Many young people are making decisions about further education jobs etc. Please pray for wisdom and support for them as they look to the future.

28th (Wed)

The Youthscape Essentials team; Alex, Gillian & Charles, are hosting workshop for those who want to deliver YSE in their context. Pray that this will inspire others to want to do youth work.

29th (Thu)

Please pray for the Alumina team, for hope & resilience, as they come into contact with young people who experience deep hurt & struggles in their lives.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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