
This month we pray especially for the work going on to prepare for Satellites - Youthscape’s big summer festival for youth groups from around the UK.

Summer camps have long been a tradition for Youthscape, with hundreds of young people from Luton taking part. However, Satellites is on an altogether different scale, with more than three thousand young people camping together for a week in Somerset.

It’s a space for young people to explore Christian faith, alongside a non-stop timetable of activities, sports, arts and fun. But all that takes money and planning.

So, this month, we are holding fundraising raising events to subsidise the costs of Satellites, and we’re praying for the amazing team who are planning the event.

It’s not glamorous work! Toilets have to be hired. Tents organised. Helpers recruited.

Please pray for Karen, Rosie, Molly and Lucy, who are working very hard, getting everything ready for when this summer’s event kicks off on August 6th. Pray too for Martin, who’s heading it all up.

And perhaps, for some of you at least, as you pray you may even feel the call to come and get involved yourself! We certainly need you and your prayers.


1st (Sat)

Pray for Beki, (from the local team), & Charles, (from the Youthscape Essentials team), as they change roles this month, to start work as part of our Innovation team.

2nd (Sun)

Pray for Gemma & Hannah, (our Research team), as they continue their work with the Kythe team in Scotland, as part of a new Youthscape research project.

3rd (Mon)

Please pray for the Events team, planning this year’s National Youth Ministry Weekend event, alongside planning for Satellites. Pray for wisdom, energy, & vision for the team.

4th (Tue)

Hannah (Bernard) joined the Youthscape team at the end of January, as part of the local team, & is our new Drop-In manager. Pray that she will settle in well, & get to know the team & young people quickly.

5th (Wed)

Thank God for an amazing response to the launch of our Satellites 2025 festival! Please pray that new youth groups continue to book this month.

6th (Thu)

Pray for young people who struggle through the darker winter months, & for those who struggle with memories of loss at this time of year, as well as those who face anxieties around upcoming exams.

7th (Fri)

Young people from Youthscape & local churches are joining together tonight for this month’s Luton Unite event, which is taking place at Bute Mills. Pray that it would be a wonderful evening for them all.

8th (Sat)

4.3 million children in the UK are living in poverty. Pray that their families will be able to find support, & that more will be done systemically to support people in poverty.

9th (Sun)

Pray for Ethan, who’s joined Youthscape & LyCiG, on the Launchpad team. Pray he’ll settle in to his new role quickly, &, even thought not based in Luton, will feel supported, & part of the wider team.

10th (Mon)

For Rachel (Gardner), & St Luke’s Blackburn, hosting a youth sleepover this month. Pray for deepening relationships among young people, & increased curiosity for knowing Jesus.

11th (Tue)

Today, our local team have interviews for a new Senior Youth Worker role. Pray that God will lead the right person to the role, & for wisdom for those on the interview panel.

12th (Wed)

Pray for the new Launchpad course taking part in Blackburn Diocese. That God will inspire & equip those involved to start youthwork in their churches.

13th (Thu)

The local team are busy working with young people in lots of different ways. Please pray they would be blessed with wisdom, energy, inspiration, & patience in all they do.

14th (Fri)

Our Research team are speaking at the Anti-Far Right Conference, run by the ‘Centre for the Study of the Bible & Violence’ today & tomorrow. Please pray for Hannah & Gemma as they speak at this event.

15th (Sat)

Pray for young people whose lives are challenging, & who live in difficult home situations, especially during this week’s half-term holiday, when they will be spending much more time at home.

16th (Sun)

Young people who’ve attended Alumina courses can take part in online Alumina drop ins. Pray that they continue to find these a source of support & encouragement, especially when they are struggling.

17th (Mon)

Pray for new Alumina groups. That young people will find love, peace & hope in this space. That we can help & guide them to a different place, & their next steps in recovery from self-harm.

18th (Tue)

Please pray for a positive outcome for the Headstrong & Alumina funding bids.

19th (Wed)

Pray for churches considering joining a Youthscape Essentials course at the moment, that they would feel inspired to start one. Pray too for for those groups running in dioceses around the UK.

20th (Thu)

Five Dioceses are running Launchpad in February & March: Chelmsford, St Albans, Exeter, Canterbury & Blackburn. Pray for the churches, taking bold steps to implement initiatives for new local youth work.

21st (Fri)

This weekend is the ‘Luton Unite at Home Weekend’ (21st - 22nd), based at Bute Mills. Pray for safety, that the young people will have a fantastic time, & that they would want to know more about Jesus.

22nd (Sat)

Pray for us as we look to recruit volunteers to work at Satellites in the summer, we need over 400 people to run a safe, smooth event.

23rd (Sun)

For young people who are preparing for their GCSEs, A Levels etc. Pray that they would be able to revise well, & find practical support & help when they are feeling overwhelmed.

24th (Mon)

Thank God for the many amazing young people we’ve been able to work with so far this year. Pray that our work will continue to have a positive impact in their lives.

25th (Tue)

Pray for the Satellites team’s site visit to Bath & West Showground today. As they make logistical decisions about this year’s festival, alongside organising the programme, worship, cafes & speakers.

26th (Wed)

Pray for youth workers, churches, youth organisations & young people using our resources. Pray they’ll enjoy using them, & that the resources will make a difference to the lives of many.

27th (Thu)

This term’s Fearless course starts today. Pray for the young people meeting for the first time. That it will be a safe environment for them all, & that the course will impact their lives positively both now & in the future.

28th (Fri)

Pray for Dave, as he produces our podcasts alongside working for the local team. And pray that the podcasts will inspire & equip those working with young people.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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