1st (Fri)
A brand new year, and so much to do! Please pray for the increased impact of our ministry in 2021! |
2nd (Sat)
Pray for young people who, for many reasons, find themselves homeless; sleeping on the streets, or in short term accommodation & facing an uncertain future.
3rd (Sun)
Pray for Chris, Martin, Karen, Lucie & Jemimah, as they navigate the way forward for Youthscape. For God's clear guidance, wisdom & presence. |
4th (Mon)
Pray for the Innovation team, as they seek to create new resources for youth leaders working in ever-changing contexts. |
5th (Tue)
Lucie, Gry & Phoebe are our Research team. Pray that their research will inform the future of youth work, & have a positive impact on the way youth workers are able to lead & relate to young people. |
6th (Wed)
Please pray for Gemma, starting her new role as Assistant Director of Youthscape Luton this term, working alongside Jemimah. |
7th (Thu)
Pray for young people in Luton who are starting the year facing difficult challenges at home, school or in other ways. That we will be able to help them as they navigate the year ahead.
8th (Fri)
Pray for Chris Curtis, Youthscape's CEO, as he leads the charity & supports the team in their work with young people, youth workers & church leaders. |
9th (Sat)
Many young carers have to balance looking after loved ones with school work & trying to spend time with friends. Please pray that they would find support in these complex situations. |
10th (Sun)
Our new Head of Finance, Sarah Patrick, is starting work with us tomorrow. Please pray that she will settle in quickly & enjoy her new role with Youthscape. |
11th (Mon)
Our Innovation team are meeting today. Pray for them as they plan for the year ahead, in which they are hoping to release at least six brand new youth resources. |
12th (Tue)
Pray for young people accessing Alumina because of self-harm, who also have an eating disorder. New Year is a time when there's a lot of pressure from culture to change & that can be hard to manage healthily. |
13th (Wed)
For Lillie & the team piloting the first Youthscape Essentials course online today. That God would speak to the volunteers attending, & that the technology would work well. |
14th (Thu)
Pray for youth ministry leaders from across the UK, (including Youthscape), as we gather together to pray online today for young people & seek to work more closely in unity.
15th (Fri)
Pray for education staff working in our schools, colleges & universities; that they would find the support they need, when they need it. |
16th (Sat)
Please pray for our newest Alumina team members - Kirsty, Robson & Victory - as they start co-leading groups & supporting young people. |
17th (Sun)
Rachel & Chris have been supporting vicars from London & the North West, through Launchpad online. Please pray for these church leaders, who are eager to re-think their work with their local young people.
18th (Mon)
Pray for young people’s mental health during January. It can be such a dreary time of year, with the cold weather, Christmas being over, & the shorter days.
19th (Tue)
Last year, the number of young people experiencing mental health disorders rose substantially. Pray that they will be able to find support quickly, to minimise the long-term effects on their mental health. |
20th (Wed)
Pray for our Satellites team today, as they explore how to help young people connect with their local church through our event, ‘We are Satellites’, taking place in the summer. |
21st (Thu)
Pray for young people in care across Luton, that they would find support through Youthscape and other local youth organisations. |
22nd (Fri)
Pray for the Youthscape team. For our emotional & physical wellbeing, for strength & wisdom, energy & inspiration, as we seek to serve young people, youth workers & professionals. |
23rd (Sat)
Pray for young people & their families who are living in poverty. That they would be able to find support, & be able to access services that can help them in really practical ways.
24th (Sun)
Thank God for all the youth workers & professionals working with young people. For their dedication & the ways they are finding to support those in their care. |
25th (Mon)
Pray for our Satellites team: Martin, Robbie, Natalie, Katie & Zoe, as they organise our national youth event taking place in the summer. |
26th (Tue)
Pray for positive relationships to grow with the new young people we meet this term. That the work they do with us would make lasting, positive changes to their lives. |
27th (Wed)
Pray for young people experiencing bullying, that they would have the support they need to help them find positive resolutions to their situations.
28th (Thu)
Pray for young people who are experiencing racism in schools. That the schools will find positive ways of dealing with these issues well & supporting the young people involved.
29th (Fri)
Please pray for wisdom, health and strength for the team. It’s an exciting but busy place to work. Pray that we would be a blessing to each other in all aspects of our work. |
30th (Sat)
For Lillie, starting work on the national roll out of Youthscape Essentials: To meet the right people to help deliver the course, in order to strengthen youth work in churches across the country.
31st (Sun)
Jenny & the Alumina team are supporting young people online. Pray for wisdom, energy & ongoing support for them as a team, as they work with young people facing incredibly difficult situations.