
Happy New Year! It's 2022 and, as we venture into another year, I want to thank you for your continued support and prayers for our work with young people.

More than ever, it's hard to predict exactly what we'll be doing in these next weeks and months, and how the ongoing challenges of the pandemic will continue to reverberate through our ministry. But your prayers make a real difference, to us and our work, and we're so grateful for them.

We value your prayers; for those moments when one of us is meeting a young person in school and is about to begin a new mentoring session, for our team - when we're leading a training day for youth workers, and for when we are working on a new youth work resource.

We want young people in the church to grow up strong in their faith, despite the secular world they so often find themselves in. But more than that, we want the church to support young people in their community, to reach out beyond the walls of the church to the teenagers who need love and support.

Everything we do this year will be towards that purpose. And behind it - all our prayers, yours and ours, invite God to be at work bringing life, wholeness and healing into Christian youth ministry. Let's commit ourselves to pray to that end over the next few weeks.



1st (Sat)

Please pray for the increased impact of our ministry in 2022. As we work with young people, youth & church leaders, & other professionals this year.

2nd (Sun)

Pray for young people’s mental health during January. It can be such a dreary time of year, with the cold weather, Christmas being over & the shorter days.

3rd (Mon)

Pray for Youthscape’s work with young people who are lonely and isolated. Especially for the new #OpenHouse group starting this term.

4th (Tue)

Pray that God would breathe freshness into everything we do with young people. And that He would give us new ideas & inspiration; that He’d clearly lead us this year.

5th (Wed)

Pray for the Youthscape team who head off to Pleshey on retreat today, to pray & prepare for the new term.

6th (Thu)

Please pray for the research team who are analysing trends in young people’s lives and experiences over the last 10 years for a new report.

7th (Fri)

Young people from Youthscape & local churches are joining together tonight for this month’s Luton Unite event. Pray for that it would be a fun & safe event for everyone.

8th (Sat)

For God to inspire creativity & innovation when it comes to fundraising - that we will find potential new streams of income for Youthscape.

9th (Sun)

Pray for those young people in Luton who are starting the year facing difficult challenges at home, school or in other ways - that we may help them this year.

10th (Mon)

The Satellites team launch Orbit, (daily reflections), today. Pray that the technical side will run smoothly, & that it will be a resources that really helps young people to grow their relationship with God.

11th (Tue)

For Jenny F, Jenny C & the Alumina team. Pray for wisdom, energy & ongoing support for them as a team, as they work with young people facing very difficult situations.

12th (Wed)

Drop in takes place on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays, after school. Pray that this would be a positive, safe community for local young people.

13th (Thu)

Pray for children & young people living with special educational needs, for the challenges they & their families face.

14th (Fri)

Pray for positive relationships to grow with the new young people we meet this term. That the work they do with us would make lasting, positive changes to their lives.

15th (Sat)

Pray for young people who self-harm - more than 1 in 5 across the UK - to find safer and better ways of coping with overwhelming feelings.

16th (Sun)

Pray for young people being bullied, at school or online, that they would find positive support & help.

17th (Mon)

The Satellites team are meeting with youth leaders to talk about Satellites this month. They’re in Peterborough on 17th, at Bute Mills on 18th, & Martin & Rachel are in the North West on 24th & 25th.

18th (Tue)

Pray for more young people to attend our after school Drop In sessions this term.

19th (Wed)

Pray for the ‘All you need to know about Youthscape Essentials’ workshop today, for church leaders hoping to run a course in their church/denomination.

20th (Thu)

The Fearless and Compass courses are starting again this term. Please pray for the team running the courses, for God’s help & inspiration in their work.

21st (Fri)

Pray for young people who have taken part in previous Fearless & Compass groups; to stay connected to Youthscape through Drop In & through other Youthscape activities.

22nd (Sat)

Pray for teachers & staff in our local schools; working long hours, with so much expected of them.

23rd (Sun)

Digital poverty means the most vulnerable young people aren’t able to use the technology that is often required for school work. Pray that opportunities to access equipment would be made available to them.

24th (Mon)

Please pray for Dave and Rob; who are running lots of retreats days this term, for year 10’s at Cardinal Newman.

25th (Tue)

Pray for Reuben and the team for insight and wisdom as they continue to work on the Atlas course.

26th (Wed)

Please pray for the first Youthscape Essentials course of the year. A 10 week course, starting this evening at 7.30pm, for volunteer youth workers.

27th (Thu)

Please pray for this term’s Fearless course - which starts today. For Gemma & Tasha, leading the group & for the young people taking part.

28th (Fri)

Pray for Christian young people, that they would know God’s presence with them. That they’d find support from friends, youth workers & churches, & that they would encourage each other in their faith.

29th (Sat)

Over the last 2 years, the number of young people experiencing mental health disorders has risen substantially. Pray they’ll be able to find support, to minimise the long-term effects on their mental health.

30th (Sun)

Pray for the young people in Luton who are feeling lonely & isolated; that they will be able to find support through Youthscape & other local youth organisations.

31st (Mon)

The early bird booking deadline for Satellites is at the end of February. Please pray for more youth groups to commit to coming to the event and for that to turn into bookings.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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