
2024 - I’m not sure whether we enter this year with hope or concern. Perhaps, given everything that is going on in the world, a bit of both.

The young people we’re working with feel that too. The cost of living is now the number one worry for teenagers - according to new research from The Childrens’ Society. Many of them are wondering if they’ll be able to get a job, let alone ever own their own home.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. Young people, let’s remember, have so much to offer the world. And in a few years, they’ll be the ones running it, dealing with whatever kind of planet they’re inheriting from us!

Their energy, creativity and passions might just be what we need.

So, our work with them now - whilst they’re teenagers - is vital. To help them encounter Christian faith, and to develop values and views that reflect a God of compassion, rescue and redemption. Every drop-in at Bute Mills, every visit to a school, every youth club in a church - all these moments are spaces where young people can encounter the transforming presence of God... through us!

So, let’s pray that 2024 is full of those encounters, and that young people become the adults the world is waiting for.


1st (Mon)

Please pray for the increased impact of our ministry in 2024. As we work with young people, youth & church leaders, & other professionals this year.

2nd (Tue)

Pray for our Research team, Gemma & Hannah; as they complete interviews, & analyse & write up the research report for the first year of the Alban Way young adults programme.

3rd (Wed)

Pray for young people living with disabilities, that they & their families would be supported well.

4th (Thu)

Pray for young people who struggle through the darker winter months, & for those who struggle with memories of loss at this time of year, as well as those who face anxieties around upcoming exams.

5th (Fri)

Pray for positive relationships to grow with the new young people we meet this term. That the work we do with them would make lasting, positive changes to their lives.

6th (Sat)

Pray that God would breathe freshness into everything we do with young people. And that He would give us new ideas & inspiration; that He’d clearly lead us this year.

7th (Sun)

Pray for young people who have taken part in previous Fearless & Compass groups; to stay connected to Youthscape through Drop In & through other Youthscape activities.

8th (Mon)

Please pray for our new team members starting work with us this month; that they’ll feel at home & settle in to their new roles quickly.

9th (Tue)

We are away on retreat, pray that God would inspire & speak to us, as we spend time together praying, worshipping & listening to Him.

10th (Wed)

Pray for Jemimah, who is back from maternity leave working part time at Youthscape. That this transition would be a smooth one.

11th (Thu)

Pray for the Alumina team; for fresh energy & hope in the new year - as we train new volunteers, start new groups & bring hope to young people who are struggling.

12th (Fri)

We have recently released a new resource - ‘The Brave Journal’ - which is for young people who struggle with anxiety, worry & stress. Pray that the journal will equip young people with positive strategies.

13th (Sat)

Pray for teachers & staff in our local schools; working long hours, with so much expected of them.

14th (Sun)

Pray for conversations with other denominations & organisations who are considering using Launchpad, as we consider with them how to adapt & contextualise, whilst maintaining the programme’s heart.

15th (Mon)

Pray for Martin as he takes a sabbatical after ten years at Youthscape. Please pray also for the team in his absence.

16th (Tue)

Pray that the launch of the 1st phase of the Translating God research & the publication of the charts showing how life has changed for young people will be helpful to youth workers & church leaders.

17th (Wed)

Pray for Robson & Laura, as they responds to emails from young people who are struggling with self-harm, suicidal thoughts & other difficult emotions. That they would know God’s wisdom & peace.

18th (Thu)

Thank God for an amazing response to the launch of our Satellites 2024 event! Please pray that new youth groups continue to book this month.

19th (Fri)

Thank God for all the youth workers, volunteers & other professionals, across the UK, working with young people. Pray that He will refresh & resource them for their work this year.

20th (Sat)

Please pray for the health of the Youthscape team members. And pray that we would be supportive of each other in all areas of our work.

21st (Sun)

For the Alumina team. Pray for wisdom, energy & ongoing support for them as a team, as they work with young people facing very difficult situations.

22nd (Mon)

School can be a very daunting & difficult place for some young people. Please pray for those who are struggling to make friends, who are lonely, & for those experiencing bullying.

23rd (Tue)

Praise God for the people who signed up to volunteer for Alumina at the NYMW. Pray for them as they are trained to work with young people, & the potential that brings for running more online groups.

24th (Wed)

Pray for young people who are worried about climate change. That they would find positive ways to make an impact in campaigning & making changes that have a lasting affect.

25th (Thu)

Pray for Chris Curtis, Youthscape’s CEO, as he leads the charity and supports the team in their work with young people.

26th (Fri)

Please pray for the young people who came to Satellites last summer, that they’d stay close to God all year round.

27th (Sat)

Pray for the Satellites team, as they continue to develop an exciting programme for our Satellites event this summer.

28th (Sun)

Please pray for volunteer recruitment for Satellites - we need to almost double the size of our team this summer!

29th (Mon)

Pray for Gemma, Robert, David, Emily & Beki, in their work with young people across Luton this year. That they would know God’s presence with them in all the different aspects of their work.

30th (Tue)

Pray for the next Launchpad Facilitators training, (31 Jan - 1 Feb), working with five more Diocese - who will be delivering the programme in 2024.

31st (Wed)

Young people who have attended the Alumina course can take part in Alumina drop ins. Pray that they will continue to find these a source of support & encouragement, especially when they are struggling.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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