
We're in it for the long haul...

As some restrictions ease, we’re aware that life is still incredibly challenging for many young people. Our work is far from over, and the possibility of further spikes in the virus are very real.

The mental health of young people is causing great concern and the pandemic has turned the lives of millions of them upside down. Many are finding it hard to cope with isolation, a loss of routine, anxiety about the future, a disruption to their education and, in some cases, difficult or traumatic experiences at home.

The church should be at the heart of meeting those needs. That’s why we’re working hard on two new projects:

In Luton, we’re busy planning a whole programme of mental wellbeing support for young people, which will start in September. It’s a bold new project that will mean we’re able to support thousands of young people in very practical ways. We’ll tell you more very soon.

And nationally we are launching a new online project that offers young people everything they need to stay healthy when it comes to their mental and emotional wellbeing. It’s called Headstrong, and you’ll be hearing a lot more about that in the next few months too.

So your prayers and support mean a lot as we work on these new projects and bring hope to young people. Thank you for being part of Youthscape’s ministry.



1st (Wed)

Pray for continued safety and protection for young people & staff as schools become busier.

2nd (Thu)

Pray for young people who have not yet been able to return to school, either because they, or members of their household have underlying health conditions that make them especially vulnerable to COVID-19.

3rd (Fri)

Mindset Reset: Pray for local young people who are taking part in a forty-day challenge, designed to help them look after their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

4th (Sat)

Please pray that young people struggling with self-harm, both in Luton and across the UK, would continue to be helped online through the Alumina groups.

5th (Sun)

As the team returns gradually to working from Bute Mills, please pray for safety for us and our families.

6th (Mon)

Pray for the Youthscape team who are working over the summer. For energy and enthusiasm in their work, and as they plan for the academic year ahead.

7th (Tue)

Pray for the different organisations across Luton involved in We Are Luton, as they provide support and assistance to those in need.

8th (Wed)

Pray for the leadership team as they trust and listen to God. Seeking how best to lead Youthscape as we continue to support and encourage young people, volunteers, youth workers and other professionals.

9th (Thu)

For young people accessing our digital mentoring. Pray that it would be a place they find support and community.

10th (Fri)

Pray for young people experiencing racism, that they would know the support of people around them, and that these issues would be addressed positively in communities locally, nationally and globally.

11th (Sat)

Our Innovation team is developing resources for socially distanced youth work. Pray that they would be filled with creativity and wisdom in their work.

12th (Sun)

Connie, Rob and Reuben are our collaborative workers, (Rob at St John’s, Connie at Olive Tree and Reuben at St Luke’s). Pray for them in their work with young people at church and Youthscape.

13th (Mon)

Please pray for the successful launch of our Satellites event, taking place next summer. Pray that our new website and ticketing system will launch without a hitch this week.

14th (Tue)

Thank God for our amazing volunteers and the contribution they make to all areas of our work. We could not do everything we do without them.

15th (Wed)

A lot of young people struggle with anxiety, especially in the current climate. Pray that they would find the support and outlets they need to be able to talk about the things that are concerning them.

16th (Thu)

Pray for the team running ‘Now What?’ today & tomorrow. It’s our first ever online youth work conference and is being live-streamed from Bute Mills and various other locations around the UK.

17th (Fri)

Pray for the hundreds of youth workers accessing ‘Now What?’ online. That it will inspire them and encourage them as we think together about what the future holds for youth work.

18th (Sat)

Some of our team are on furlough at the moment. Please pray that they wouldn’t feel frustrated during this time, but that they would be inspired, refreshed and encouraged.

19th (Sun)

There’s been a rise in the number of young people facing homelessness during the COVID-19 crisis. Pray that professionals will come alongside them, and that they’ll be able to access the help they need.

20th (Mon)

Pray for the many families locally who are and will be effected by job losses. For the emotional and financial pressures they face at this difficult time.

21st (Tue)

3 in 4 young people seeking mental health support become more unwell before they’re able to see a professional. Pray for changes in mental health services - so that they will become more proactive.

22nd (Wed)

Thank God for the charities, organisations and volunteers, working together to support young people, families and vulnerable people in our community.

23rd (Thu)

Please pray for young people who are grieving the loss of family members and friends.

24th (Fri)

There are many families for whom the summer holidays are difficult. Please pray for those who are struggling to cope, for protection and peace.

25th (Sat)

Pray for safety and for practical and emotional support for key workers and their families as they continue to serve their communities so faithfully.

26th (Sun)

Pray for youth workers engaging young people on the subject of racial justice, and for what we can do to keep this conversation at the forefront of what we are doing.

27th (Mon)

For families spending so much time together over the summer. Pray for protection over relationships and that they would be able to find moments of joy together.

28th (Tue)

Pray for students preparing for university next term, as they navigate how that will work practically in the current, constantly changing environment.

29th (Wed)

Pray for Christian youth workers in the UK, as they support young people over the summer holidays.

30th (Thu)

Pray for school staff, that they would be able to rest and enjoy time with their friends and families over the summer.

31st (Fri)

Child poverty affects 46% of young people in Luton. Pray that families would be able to access practical and financial help and support; to ease the burdens they are facing.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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