1st (Fri)
It's Luton Unite this evening. Please pray for the youth leaders from Youthscape & local churches, & that the young people would have fun together, & grow in their faith. |
2nd (Sat)
Pray for God's peace, wisdom & for energy for the Satellites team; as they prepare for the Festival. And for all the youth leaders preparing to bring their young people to Satellites.
3rd (Sun)
Please pray for our Innovation Team; Hannah, Joe and Martin, as they test out potential new resources with young people this month. |
4th (Mon)
We have launched the Bute Mills Youth Group, for school years 7 & 8, this term. It takes place every Monday during term time. Pray that the new group will build good friendships & community.
5th (Tue)
Pray that, over the next month, lots more volunteers will sign up to our various Satellites teams - so that we're able to run Satellites safely & well.
6th (Wed)
Please pray for Abi Layzell, who has recently joined the Youthscape team. She is the Satellites Festival Programme Manager & the Youthscape Marketing Assistant. |
7th (Thu)
Pray for young people who have come to the UK as refugees.
And for our local team, as they seek to find ways to serve young refugees in our town well. |
8th (Fri)
Pray that our new 'Talking About Life' discussion cards help young people to open up in conversation with youth leaders, parents & teachers.
9th (Sat)
Pray for the Youthscape Discipleship group (called Youthscape: One). It's for young people who attend Youthscape Drop In & Luton Unite. Pray for the team, & the young people involved.
10th (Sun)
There is a Luton Unite leaders meeting today, pray for the team as they listen to God together, & pray about the next academic year. |
11th (Mon)
Pray for the Open House Community Dinner, taking place this evening. That the young people would enjoy cooking together, & the experience of serving a meal to their family & friends. https://www.youthscape.co.uk/y...
12th (Tue)
This week is a really busy week for the team, as we will be working together, getting some of the practical things ready for Satellites, alongside our normal responsibilities.
13th (Wed)
Please pray for wisdom, health and strength for the team. It’s an exciting but busy place to work. Pray that we would be a blessing to each other in all aspects of our work.
14th (Thu)
Pray for the Research Team: Gry is leaving this month, as she is moves on to study for her PHD in California. And pray for Lucie, busy with different areas of research. |
15th (Fri)
Pray for the speakers - as they prepare to address young people at the Satellites Festival. That God would give them insightful, relevant words to share.
16th (Sat)
There is a long list of young people wanting to do Alumina. Please pray for more volunteers to come forward to help lead the online groups. And pray that the young people would really benefit from being involved in this online community. |
17th (Sun)
Thank God that our new resource, the Examug, has been really popular with youth workers & youth organisations - who want to incorporate part of the Ignatian Examen into their day. https://www.youthscape.co.uk/s... |
18th (Mon)
Pray for inspiration, wisdom & energy for the Youthscape team, as we come to the end of the academic year, & work at the Satellites Festival in August.
19th (Tue)
The Open House resource will be available from July. Pray that other youth organisations around the UK would be interested in using the resource to work with young people struggling with loneliness. |
20th (Wed)
Many young carers have to balance looking after loved ones, with school work & trying to spend time with friends. Please pray that they would find support in these complex situations.
21st (Thu)
Pray for Martin & Hannah, as they continue to develop the anti-racism resource. That input from different communities & voices would be involved, so the resource will be a helpful one for young people of all races. |
22nd (Fri)
Thank God that we have been able to work with so many amazing young people from across Luton & around the UK this year. Pray that this work will continue to have a positive impact in their lives.
23rd (Sat)
Thank God for the youth workers & professionals who work with young people; for their dedication & for the ways they support those in their care. |
24th (Sun)
Please pray for Ellie Limebear & the worship team, as they prepare to lead us in sung worship at Satellites. And for young people still deciding whether or not to come to the festival.
25th (Mon)
The Luton team are running a Summer Fun Week, for local young people, with lots of activities for the first week of the school holidays. Pray that the young people would be safe & have a fantastic week together. |
26th (Tue)
Pray for Jemimah, Gemma, David, Robert, Tasha & Matt, as they lead the Summer Fun Week. For energy, patience & wisdom, & that they would build up good relationships with the young people involved. |
27th (Wed)
For the young people taking part in the week of activities, pray that they would have fun together, make new friends, & learn new things about themselves & the world around them. |
28th (Thu)
Pray for school staff, that they will be able to enjoy a break & time with their friends & families over the summer holidays.
29th (Fri)
Many young people are making decisions about further education, jobs etc. Please pray for wisdom & support for them as they look to the future.
30th (Sat)
Thank God for the grant bodies & individuals who have supported our work this academic year. We are very grateful for all of this support, especially in such a difficult financial climate.
31st (Sun)
There are many families for whom the summer holidays are difficult. Please pray for those who are struggling to cope - for protection and peace.