
Not too fed up with the sunshine I hope? This month, I wanted to highlight the work we're doing to help churches start youth work from scratch...

Our Launchpad programme has already helped 160 church leaders to develop a plan to do something from the young people - whether they are the handful still in the church or out in their communities.

The Church of England have asked us to work with 600 more in the next three years, so that should keep us busy!

One church, in a small market town, started a small group on Sunday afternoons in the coffee shop on the High Street. The manager let them use an alcove, and they invited some of the older primary children - who were getting a little bored of Sunday School.

These 10 year olds loved coming to the coffee shop, and were more than ready for a youth group instead of children’s work. The first Sunday, eight turned up, then a few more over the following months. The young people were enthusiastic and more open to exploring faith than anyone had dared imagine. Six months on, the church has started what had seemed an impossibility, a youth group! A few weeks ago the young people decided it was time to give their coffee shop youth group a name - and it fits perfectly.

St Costa’s.


1st (Sat)

Please pray that lots more volunteers will sign up to the various Satellites teams in the next few weeks, so that we're able to run Satellites safely & well.

2nd (Sun)

Pray for Robson & Laura, as they develop the Headstrong Livestreams, as well as the exciting new Headstrong projects they are working on.

3rd (Mon)

Our Drop In for year groups 7 & 8 is open on Mondays, please pray that these young people would enjoy being part of this community & that they would feel safe here.

4th (Tue)

Pray for God's peace, wisdom & for energy for the Satellites team; as they prepare for the festival. And for all the youth leaders preparing to bring their young people to Satellites.

5th (Wed)

Please pray that youth groups around the country will be inviting even more young people to join us at Satellites this summer.

6th (Thu)

The local team are running groups in schools on Tuesday & Wednesday mornings, to support young people who are at risk of disengaging from education. Please pray for those young people & the team supporting them.

7th (Fri)

It's Luton Unite this evening. Please pray for the youth leaders from Youthscape & local churches. And pray that the young people would have fun together, as they learn more about faith.

8th (Sat)

Please pray for the Satellites team; as they recruit volunteers, run DBS checks & co-ordinate a complex team, as well as organising the festival programme.

9th (Sun)

Pray for the Lucie & Gemma - as they interview young people about spiritual formation as part of their ongoing research. Also, as they finish analysing & writing the Translating God research.

10th (Mon)

The Youthscape Essentials team are developing & updating their teaching materials. Pray for God's guidance for them as they do this.

11th (Tue)

Young people from Years 9-13, attend Drop In after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays. Pray for them as we come to the end of the summer term.

12th (Wed)

Pray for inspiration, wisdom & energy for the Youthscape team, as we come to the end of the academic year, & as we work together at the Satellites festival in August.

13th (Thu)

The Fearless graduation is taking place this week, please pray that the young people involved will be able to enjoy celebrating their achievements together.

14th (Fri)

Thank God that we've been able to work with so many amazing young people from across Luton & around the UK this year. Pray that our work will continue to have a positive impact in their lives.

15th (Sat)

Pray for the Boys Brigade, as they begin to work out how to apply the findings in our research about youth culture & how the pandemic has affected young people.

16th (Sun)

Please pray for Chris & Alice, who are leading a Launchpad 'Train the Trainers' event, from 16-18 July, with the Canterbury, Birmingham and Exeter Diocese.

17th (Mon)

Pray for the individuals who are attending the Launchpad training - for inspiration as they plan for the Autumn cohorts that they will be leading.

18th (Tue)

The End Child Poverty Coalition Report 2023, has revealed that 4.2 million children in the UK are living in poverty. Pray that their families will be able to find support, & that more will be done systemically to support people in poverty.

19th (Wed)

Pray for the young people who have been involved in Fearless this term. Pray that what they have learned & experienced will continue to have a lasting, positive impact on their lives.

20th (Thu)

Today is the Bute Mills Graduation, (for young people who are 18 & who are moving on from Youthscape). Pray that they will enjoy the graduation, & that this would be a really positive ending to their time with us.

21st (Fri)

Pray for the young people who are attending the Luton Unite One discipleship group tonight, that their faith would grow as they are part of this community.

22nd (Sat)

Many young people are making decisions about further education, jobs etc. Please pray for wisdom & support for them as they look ahead to the future.

23rd (Sun)

Pray for the different speakers coming to the Satellites festival - as they prepare to address young people. That God would give them insightful, relevant words to share.

24th (Mon)

Our local team are running a Summer Fun Week this week. A week of trips & activities for young people they have worked with this year. Pray for the team, for energy, resilience, & inspiration as they lead the week.

25th (Tue)

Please pray for the young people attending the Summer Fun Week; for their health, for safety, & that they would really enjoy the activities & their time together.

26th (Wed)

This week is a really busy week for the team. Pray for us as we work together to organise practical things for the Satellites festival, alongside all our normal responsibilities.

27th (Thu)

Pray for both the team leading the Summer Fun Week & the young people involved - that they would have a wonderful last couple of days together today & tomorrow.

28th (Fri)

Thank God for the grant bodies & individuals who have supported our work this academic year. We are very grateful for all of this support, especially in such a difficult financial climate.

29th (Sat)

Pray for school staff, that they will be able to enjoy a break & time with their friends & families over the summer holidays.

30th (Sun)

Pray that our new 'Talking About Emotions' discussion cards help young people to open up in conversation with youth leaders, parents & teachers.

31st (Mon)

There are many families for whom the summer holidays are difficult. Please pray for those who are struggling to cope - for protection and peace.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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