
It's June, and there's change in the air!

Not just with the hope that restrictions will lift, but in the work we're doing with young people in Luton.

Bute Mills is alive with young people again - after more than a year of lying largely empty. As school ends each day, the drop-in fills up with teenagers in their different school uniforms. It's amazing how many make the journey in from the edges of Luton each afternoon - and it shows how much they appreciate the welcoming space we create.

There's the noisy buzz of young people chatting and laughing, but you can also notice the team offering advice, reassurance and care. This is where young people can talk about their anxieties and worries... where they feel safe to be themselves.

And it's not just the drop-in that's opening up. We restarting our 'Fearless' course this month - helping young female students who need extra support and confidence-building. Schools refer young people to us and they come once a week for the whole day. So there are signs of life at last!

And, as ever, your prayers for those young people we are meeting are so important. Thank you.



1st (Tue)

Pray for drop-in, that young people will continue to view it as a safe space & for new young people to attend. (Open - Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays in term time.)

2nd (Wed)

Dave is running a project on how climate justice & faith overlap. Pray the young people engage well with this subject & are inspired, & for the teachers & schools to facilitate discussion & give young people a voice.

3rd (Thu)

Chris, Martin, Jemimah & Lucie are our leadership team. Please pray that they would be inspired, as they seek God’s wisdom & guidance for the future.

4th (Fri)

This evening is the Luton Unite Watch Party. Pray that lots of young people & local church youth groups will take part & that they’ll have fun together.

5th (Sat)

Please pray for Rob & Dave as they work in Cardinal Newman, leading 4 groups this term. They're also preparing for an assembly in June, about Christian stewardship of God’s creation.

6th (Sun)

Many young people are making decisions about further education jobs etc. Please pray for wisdom & support for them as they look to the future.

7th (Mon)

Please pray for our team today, as we meet to explore a new resource to help young people process & understand different kinds of anger.

8th (Tue)

Thank God for the youth workers & professionals who work with young people; for their dedication & for the ways they support those in their care.

9th (Wed)

Pray for the Satellites team, as we launch tickets for the rescheduled 2022 event this week - that youth groups will be envisioned & motivated to book in early!

10th (Thu)

'Fearless' is starting on Thursday 10th June, for 6 weeks, led by Jemimah, Gemma & Natasha. Please pray for the girls who will be taking part.

11th (Fri)

We’re filming the final episode of the Luton Unite video throughout June, ready for the Watch Party in July. Pray for the team creating, filming & editing the video - for that to go smoothly.

12th (Sat)

Jenny & the Alumina team are supporting young people online. Pray for wisdom, energy & ongoing support for them as a team, as they work with young people facing incredibly difficult situations.

13th (Sun)

Pray for Chris, (Youthscape's CEO), for God's guidance & wisdom, as he leads the charity & supports the team in their work with young people, youth workers & church leaders.

14th (Mon)

Pray for the many families who are affected by job losses throughout the UK. That they won’t lose hope as they face many emotional & financial pressures.

15th (Tue)

'The Story' is out this month, sharing our research on how COVID has affected youth ministry . Pray that it helps youth workers understand the context they're working in, & encourages leaders to keep investing in young people.

16th (Wed)

Pray for youth workers & volunteers taking part in the Youthscape Essentials course. That it will make a real difference for them & have a lasting impact on their work with young people.

17th (Thu)

Please pray for more volunteers to come forward in our local churches, to help with youth ministry & support for the young people in their churches.

18th (Fri)

Pray for young people experiencing racism, that they would know the support of people around them, & that these issues would be addressed positively in communities locally, nationally & globally.

19th (Sat)

In July, we're launching the ‘Fundraising Forum’, a monthly event for anyone fundraising for Christian organisations. Pray that a good number sign up to join us & that it develops into a place where we can support, learn & encourage one another.

20th (Sun)

Pray for the team putting together the programme for the National Youth Ministry Weekend in November, that we’ll be able to create the event that youth workers need after a two-year break.

21st (Mon)

Pray for young people in care across Luton, that they would find support through Youthscape and other local youth organisations.

22nd (Tue)

Please pray for Rob & St John’s Church. They've returned to doing youth groups & drop-in’s, engaging 20-25 young people on a weekly basis. Pray too, for more volunteers to sign up to help.

23rd (Wed)

Pray for young people taking part in the online Alumina groups. That they would receive the support they need to help them overcome their struggles with self-harm.

24th (Thu)

Pray for young people worried about the future; making decisions about university, college, or applying for work.

25th (Fri)

Pray for the young people in Luton who are feeling lonely & isolated; that they will be able to find support through Youthscape & other local youth organisations.

26th (Sat)

Pray for young people using our new Green Shuffle resource, that it will help them to draw connections between their faith & their concerns for the environment.

27th (Sun)

Over the last year, the number of young people experiencing mental health issues has risen substantially. Pray that they will be able to find support quickly, to minimise the long-term effects.

28th (Mon)

Pray for the Youthscape team. For our emotional & physical wellbeing, for strength & wisdom, energy & inspiration, as we seek to serve young people, youth workers & professionals.

29th (Tue)

Pray for Esther, our fundraiser, for inspiration, creativity & wisdom, as she continues to raise money for the ongoing work of Youthscape.

30th (Wed)

Pray that young people, parents, youth workers & other professionals will find our mental wellbeing, online resource: ‘Be Headstrong’. And that they will find it encouraging & helpful.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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