
Hello - and a word this month on our amazing team of Youthscape researchers (more formally known as The Youthscape Centre for Research).

You might wonder why a youth work organisation is spending time doing research, but it's crucial to making sure we're doing the right thing, in the right place, at the right time.

Research helps us discover some important insights - whether it's the shocking fact that the average church youth group has just 5 young people ... Or that young people in the church are deeply frustrated by the response to climate justice. Or that the pandemic has halved the size of many youth groups.

Research helps us understand these kinds of insights and then begin to plan how to meet the issues or needs we've found. We publish that research for church leaders and youth workers to read, (take a sneak peek here), and we also include research from other places that might be useful. All of which forms part of a quarterly magazine (The Story - it's free and you can see it here).

Together all this means our work with young people is informed by prayer, our Christian faith, by our experience, and by these powerful pieces of research. Together they mean we can use the resources we have as wisely and effectively as possible.

Please pray for Lucie and the research team, as they lead this vital work - and for their biggest and most exciting research project to date - called ‘Translating God’. It’s a two-year programme, where we listen to young people, and learn how they understand Christian faith. It’s likely to shape our plans and how we work for years to come.


1st (Wed)

It’s half-term. Pray for young people with challenging home lives, And for young carers who are looking after family members & may well have extra responsibilities during the holidays.

2nd (Thu)

Pray for people & families in the UK, who are worried about friends & family members in Ukraine. Pray that they would experience God’s peace, & for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine.

3rd (Fri)

Pray for the local team; after half-term they are launching a youth group, (taking place on Monday evenings), for years 7 & 8.

4th (Sat)

Please pray for our team - as we continue working on our anti-racism resource for schools & youth groups. That it would be an effective, challenging & encouraging resource.

5th (Sun)

Pray for the Research team, as they write & release the summer edition of The Story. That it’s a useful resource for youth workers, with evidence & insights that better help them serve young people.

6th (Mon)

Please pray for Hannah and Martin today, as they lead online innovation training for youth leaders.

7th (Tue)

Compass starts on 7th June, & Open House will be running on Monday evenings throughout June. Pray that being part of these courses would be a really positive experience for the young people involved.

8th (Wed)

Alumina is accessed by young people who self-harm. Pray for the team leading the groups, & for the young people joining us online.

9th (Thu)

Pray for Drop In, taking place each Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, (3.30pm - 6pm), for those in years 9 - 13.

10th (Fri)

June’s Luton Unite event is happening tonight, & young people from Youthscape & local churches are joining together. Pray for that it would be a fun & safe event for everyone.

11th (Sat)

Pray for young people on the Fearless & Compass courses this term; that they would enjoy being part of the group, & that their lives would be positively changed for the future.

12th (Sun)

Pray for the research team, working on ‘Translating God’ research. A two-year programme where we listen to young people, & learn how they understand the Christian faith.

13th (Mon)

Pray for the Satellites team, as they continue to develop an exciting programme for our first ever Satellites event this summer.

14th (Tue)

For the funding bids we’ve applied to for our local work, that God would go ahead of the applications & prepare the hearts of those making the decisions.

15th (Wed)

Pray for inspiration, wisdom & energy for Jemimah & Gemma, as they manage the work of the local team.

16th (Thu)

Pray for Christian young people, that they would know God’s presence with them. That they’d find support from friends, youth workers & churches, & that they would encourage each other in their faith.

17th (Fri)

Over the last year, the number of young people experiencing mental health issues has risen substantially. Pray that they will be able to find support quickly, to minimise the long-term effects.

18th (Sat)

Please pray that the resources we are creating continue to meet the needs of youth workers & young people.

19th (Sun)

Sadly, many young people experience racism. Pray they would know the support of people around them, & that these issues would be addressed positively in their communities.

20th (Mon)

Tonight, Alex & Chris are leading a monthly gathering. It’s to resource other organisations who want to use the Youthscape Essentials Course to train youth leaders from their denominations.

21st (Tue)

Pray for Chris, (our CEO), for God’s guidance & wisdom, as he leads the charity & supports the team in their work with young people, youth workers & church leaders.

22nd (Wed)

Young people eat with the team at Drop In Dinner on Wednesday evenings. Pray that this would be a positive, safe community for them.

23rd (Thu)

Please pray for more volunteers to sign up to join the Satellites 2022 team. (About 400 volunteers are needed to make the event run smoothly.)

24th (Fri)

Child poverty affects more than 46% of young people in Luton. Pray that families would be able to access practical and financial help & support; to ease the burdens they are facing.

25th (Sat)

Pray for teachers & staff in our local schools; working long hours, with so much expected of them.

26th (Sun)

Pray for youth groups around the UK, who are reading through the We Are Satellites book together, as they explore what it means to be disciples.

27th (Mon)

Pray for the Youthscape team; for wisdom, vision and energy. That we would be supportive of each other in all areas of our work.

28th (Tue)

The innovation team are working with up to 20 church leaders today to help them develop new models of youth work. Pray that it will be a stimulating & helpful day for those attending.

29th (Wed)

Many young people are making decisions about further education jobs etc. Please pray for wisdom & support for them as they look to the future.

30th (Thu)

Pray for young people who are worried about climate change. That they would find positive ways to make an impact in campaigning & making changes that have a lasting affect.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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