
Thank you so much for praying with us in June. It’s encouraging to know you’re thinking of us and supporting us in prayer. More importantly, like us, you care about young people, their wellbeing and their place in the life of the church.

This month we are thinking of young people who are in the final weeks of their GCSE and A Level exams. If you’ve been the parent of a teenager, you’ll know the pressure of exam time, (both for you and the young person!). But exam time will be coming to an end soon - and the summer holidays beckons!

Let’s pray this month for young people throughout the UK, facing their exams - whether they are highly motivated and find it all a bit of a breeze, or whether the experience is much tougher, for whatever reason. Panic attacks, anxiety and self-harm are all common at this time of year for young people. And perhaps I should also mention the results days - which will add a bit of extra pressure later in August.

‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.’ Jesus told his disciples in John 14. We pray young people would know that same peace that Jesus still brings to the world in 2023.


1st (Thu)

It’s half-term. Pray for young people with challenging home lives, And for young carers who are looking after family members & may well have extra responsibilities during the holidays.

2nd (Fri)

We currently have a very small Innovation team. Please pray for God's wisdom & guidance, as we seek to recruit a new member of the team today.

3rd (Sat)

This week is National Volunteers Week! Pray for people who give their time, skills & passion to support the work of Youthscape both locally & nationally.

4th (Sun)

Pray for the Bible Society, who are creating the Canvas programme, (for Satellites), which is a creative interactive space for young people to engage with God.

5th (Mon)

Please pray for new volunteers to come forward, who would be able to work with our local team in Drop In, & work at Satellites, serving young people from around the UK, between 2nd - 9th August.

6th (Tue)

The Satellites team are visiting Bath & West Show Ground. Pray that this would be a useful & productive visit as they plan for August's event.

7th (Wed)

Please pray for the new Alumina groups starting this half-term, that they will help the young people to find a supportive community, & helpful alternative ways of coping with difficult circumstances & emotions.

8th (Thu)

A new Fearless group starts today. Pray the young people will settle in to the group quickly, that they would have fun, & be able to learn & grow in self-love & acceptance, as they take part this term.

9th (Fri)

June’s Luton Unite event is happening tonight, & young people from Youthscape & local churches are joining together. Pray for that it will be a fun & safe event for everyone.

10th (Sat)

Our Headstrong/Alumina team are working on new projects & resources to support young people’s mental health & wellbeing. Pray for the team, that God will inspire them as they create these.

11th (Sun)

Please pray that more youth groups & young people would be inspired to sign up to Satellites over the next few weeks.

12th (Mon)

Pray for wisdom for Tabi, who is writing our daily Orbit devotions, based on Psalms, for young people to engage with during Satellites.

13th (Tue)

The charity Centrepoint estimates that there are approximately 120,000 homeless young people throughout the UK. Pray that more will be done to help them, & to prevent more becoming homeless in the future.

14th (Wed)

Pray for our new resource, Anti Racism Conversations. That youth workers & schools will engage with it, & find the content really helpful in creating positive & productive conversations about race.

15th (Thu)

Pray for the young people who have recently finished Compass, that they will continue to engage in school, & take away all they have learned & discovered about themselves.

16th (Fri)

Please pray that God will guide us, as we seek financial support for Satellites. It is especially important as we are still in the early years of running this event.

17th (Sat)

Pray for the Research team as they finish their report on the impact of the pandemic on young people this month, for the Boys Brigade.

18th (Sun)

Pray for the Youthscape team; for wisdom, vision and energy. That we would be supportive of each other in all areas of our work.

19th (Mon)

Pray for new Alumina groups. That young people will find love, peace & hope in this space. That we can help & guide them to a different place & their next steps in recovery from self-harm.

20th (Tue)

Please pray for Gemma, David, Robert, Beki, Emma, Ty & our wonderful volunteers, as they work with young people from across Luton this term.

21st (Wed)

Pray for vulnerable young people & for those with abusive or chaotic family relationships. That they won't remain ‘invisible’, but will be able to find the support & help they need to stay safe.

22nd (Thu)

The Youthscape Essentials Daytime Taster Course starts today, running for 3 weeks. Please pray it will be successful, & open the course up to people who find evenings difficult but who are available during the day.

23rd (Fri)

Pray for the Youthscape Discipleship group (called Youthscape: One). It's for young people who attend Youthscape Drop In & Luton Unite. Pray for the team, & the young people involved.

24th (Sat)

Pray that, over the next month, lots more volunteers will sign up to our various Satellites teams - so that we're able to run Satellites safely & well.

25th (Sun)

"Being able to afford food, basic cleaning products & toiletries is a real daily struggle for many families." (The Trussell Trust). Pray for families who are currently having to rely on food banks for essentials at this time.

26th (Mon)

Thank God for how useful youth workers have found our Talking About Life cards, & pray that they will find the new Talking About Emotions cards helpful - as they seek to address issues around mental health with young people.

27th (Tue)

Pray for the conversations Youthscape is having with Birmingham, Exeter & Canterbury Diocese about Launchpad, (our training programme for church leaders who want to start working with young people).

28th (Wed)

Pray for those who deliver Youthscape Essentials in their own church contexts, as they come together to consider how this can improve & grow, to meet the needs of youth leaders better.

29th (Thu)

Pray for SWYM, (South West Youth Ministries), as they plan the Transform Venue for the Satellites Festival. And pray for ongoing connections with SWYM & the Bible Society.

30th (Sun)

Thank God for the funding we have received for our work. And for His blessings & provisions for the work that we do.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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