
Hello! March sees the launch of Youthscape’s latest research project - helping the church engage better with young people. It’s called ‘Feel-Good News?’.

It’s part of a ground-breaking two year programme to get to grips with how culture is changing, and how the church must respond. The project launches on March 18th, and you can, (and should!), read it for yourself - at translating-god.com.

If you’re reading this, you care about young people, and this will really help you learn what is going on in their lives. Specifically, what they think about Christian faith and beliefs.

In the meantime, please can you pray that this research will be read widely across the UK church, and that it will help us love and serve young people better. Both those in the church, and those in our communities.

Youthscape is renowned for our research team and their work is held in huge regard. We hope and pray this new piece of work will be used by God to great effect.


1st (Fri)

It’s global self-injury awareness day today. Please pray for an increased understanding about self-injury, & for the removal of stigma. Also pray for hope for young people who need it right now.

2nd (Sat)

Pray for Karen (Hornett), as she rejoins the team, & as she takes over Rosie's Satellites Events Manager role, (whilst Rosie is on maternity leave).

3rd (Sun)

Pray for Martin, having returned to work after his month long sabbatical. That he will settle back in quickly, & feel refreshed after his time away from Youthscape.

4th (Mon)

Pray for lots of new groups to book for Satellites over the next few weeks, (before the price increases at the end of March).

5th (Tue)

Pray for young people on the Fearless/Compass course; that they would enjoy being part of the group, & that it would help them make positive changes for the future.

6th (Wed)

Pray for the Luton Unite Leaders - as they meet & pray together today.

7th (Thu)

Pray that the young people attending Fearless will really relish the opportunity to grow in confidence and learn to manage their anxiety well.

8th (Fri)

Pray for Dave, as he produces our podcasts alongside working for the local team. And pray that the podcasts will inspire & equip those working with young people.

9th (Sat)

Pray for our local team: Gemma, David, Robert, Emily & Beki, that they would know God's presence & wisdom in their work with young people across Luton.

10th (Sun)

Our local team have recently launched a Luton Unite worship band - comprising of local young people. Please pray for them as they work together, that this group will go from strength to strength.

11th (Mon)

Pray for the Satellites team, as they seek out the right speakers for the Satellites seminars. And that God would speak clearly about what the young people need to hear, & from whom.

12th (Tue)

Pray for Youthscape Essentials tonight - for leaders from across Luton, as they gather to learn about the importance of youth ministry & discipling young people, & as they share with one another.

13th (Wed)

Pray for new Alumina groups. That young people will find love, peace & hope in this space. That we can help & guide them to a different place & their next steps in recovery from self-harm.

14th (Thu)

Alex (DuRand) is currently on maternity leave. Pray for her, in this new phase of life, that she will be able to enjoy spending time at home with her new family.

15th (Fri)

Pray for Luton Unite One, the discipleship group for local young people, taking place this evening at Bute Mills.

16th (Sat)

Pray for the Innovation team, as they work on developing resources that have a deadline. Pray that they will be able to balance the time available, whilst doing the best possible job.

17th (Sun)

Pray for Jemimah, Molly & Charlotte, as the prepare Orbit: the Satellites daily bible study sessions.

18th (Mon)

Pray for the research project launching today - 'Feel-Good News?', helping the church listen to young people and learn more about their views of the Christian faith.

19th (Tue)

Praise God for the financial support we receive, which enables us to continue our work.

20th (Wed)

Pray for Gillian, Charles, Alex & Alice; as they begin planning for Satellites, & how they can better support youth workers bringing their groups to the festival.

21st (Thu)

Thank God for the team leaders that are now all confirmed for Satellites. And pray that the team member applications will come in thick & fast.

22nd (Fri)

As new Youthscape Essentials Courses start around the country, pray for those attending - that their confidence will build & that they will be encouraged in their work with young people.

23rd (Sat)

Pray for young people who are just finishing their Alumina course - that they will feel the hope & love of God present in their lives.

24th (Sun)

Pray for Sarah, Mulkina, Ebony & Nicki, our Central Team, as they manage room hire, finance, HR & administration for Youthscape.

25th (Mon)

Pray for young people revising & preparing for their GCSEs, A Levels etc. Especially for those who feel unprepared or nervous about sitting exams.

26th (Tue)

Pray for wisdom for the Innovation team, as they create resources for use with small youth groups. Pray that the content will be really valuable to those working with small numbers of young people.

27th (Wed)

Pray that our team of volunteers for Satellites this summer will grow, so we have enough staff to run the event well.

28th (Thu)

Pray for the changes being made to the way Alumina functions. Pray that it will make a tangible difference to the young people's lives, & to the workload of the team - so they can be freed to work in other ways.

29th (Fri)

Pray for the health & wellbeing of teachers & staff in our local schools.

30th (Sat)

Pray for the Youthscape team - that they can enjoy a break over Easter, & that they’ll feel relaxed & refreshed as they return for the Summer term in April.

31st (Sun)

Praise God for what He has done through Jesus - as we remember Him this Easter time. That He loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so we can be called children of God.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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