
These next few weeks are so important in our work with young people in Luton. For the first time in a year, the doors of Bute Mills are open to young people as we restart our after-school drop-in!

That fantastic building has seemed rather sad whilst it was empty of teenagers - and most of the staff team - as we've all faced the restrictions and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. But now, slowly and carefully, there are signs of life. It makes a real difference.

For so many young people in our tine, Bute Mills is a safe place to come not just to have fun and meet friends, but to be able to talk to trusted adult about whatever's on their mind. Being able to talk to someone - more importantly, being listened to - is fundamental to young people growing up resilient and confident.

Of course, we've done lots to stay in touch with young people during the lockdowns, but there's nothing quite like sitting with a teenager and spending quality time face to face, or mask to mask. That's now happening again and we're all thrilled to see it happen at last.



1st (Sat)

Drop-In reopened in April. Pray that Young people come back, & that those we haven’t seen since last year would re-engage.

2nd (Sun)

Please pray for Youthscape Essentials; that the right people sign up, & for Lillie, Chris & Jemimah - as they lead the course each week.

3rd (Mon)

Many young people are making decisions about further education jobs etc. Please pray for wisdom and support for them as they look to the future.

4th (Tue)

Pray for the local team, who are going back into local schools this term to lead Thrive - a course to support students with their mental health & emotional wellbeing.

5th (Wed)

For Jenny & the Alumina team. Pray for wisdom, energy & ongoing support for them as a team, as they work with young people facing very difficult situations.

6th (Thu)

Please pray for the team developing a resource for use in schools and youth groups, helping young people to think about issues around racial justice.

7th (Fri)

May’s Luton Unite event is happening tonight. Pray that lots of young people & local church youth groups will take part via YouTube, & that they’ll have fun together.

8th (Sat)

Please pray for the organisations considering our grant applications. Pray that we will receive positive responses to them, that will make a real difference to our work.

9th (Sun)

The local team are working in Putteridge & Cardinal Newman this term. Leading Created - a project to help young people use art & creativity to reflect on their emotions & experiences over this time.

10th (Mon)

The local team have started a brand new detached youth work project for young people, taking place in Wardown Park on Monday evenings.

11th (Tue)

Pray the Youthscape Essentials course has a lasting impact. That it'll strengthen the number of volunteers working with young people in churches, & that more young people might come to know Jesus as a result.

12th (Wed)

Jenny manages Alumina, (our online work supporting young people who self-harm). Pray for her to know wisdom, understanding & peace in her work.

13th (Thu)

For Esther, please pray for creativity & ideas in fundraising, as she develops new streams of income for Youthscape.

14th (Fri)

Please pray for Rob, Gemma, Jemimah, David, Reuben & Beki, as they work with young people from across Luton this term.

15th (Sat)

Please pray that our Together Apart series, of free downloadable resources, will help youth groups as they reconnect after the enforced period of separation.

16th (Sun)

As many youth workers open up the conversation about racism with their young people, pray that this will challenge them to make positive changes & advance racial justice.

17th (Mon)

The Centre for Research has launched lots of reports since the new year, but is now in need of new sources of financial support. Please pray for the funding we need to do further research over the next year.

18th (Tue)

A lot of young people struggle with anxiety. Pray that they would find the support and outlets they need to be able to talk about the things that are concerning them.

19th (Wed)

Please pray that the resources we are creating continue to meet the needs of youth workers & young people around the UK, & beyond.

20th (Thu)

Pray for Kate, Jenny, Laura & the amazing volunteers - our BeHeadStrong team, (https://www.beheadstrong.uk). As they provide mental health support & advice for young people, their parents, youth workers & other professionals.

21st (Fri)

Pray for the leadership team as they trust and listen to God. Seeking how best to lead Youthscape as we continue to support & encourage young people, youth workers & church leaders.

22nd (Sat)

Many young carers have to balance looking after loved ones with school work & trying to spend time with friends. Please pray that they would find support in these complex situations.

23rd (Sun)

Pray for young people who are experiencing racism in schools. That the schools will find positive ways of dealing with these issues well & supporting the young people involved.

24th (Mon)

Pray for vulnerable young people, families living in poverty & for those with abusive or chaotic family relationships.

25th (Tue)

Please pray that God will be at the centre of all our work; as we work with young people, youth workers & in partnership with churches & organisations in Luton & beyond.

26th (Wed)

Pray for God's inspiration & encouragement for our local team; as they continually find new ways to support local young people.

27th (Thu)

Lucie, Gry & Phoebe are our research team. Pray that their research will inform the future of youth work, & have a positive impact on the way youth workers are able to lead & relate to young people.

28th (Fri)

Please pray for the Satellites team, (having postponed their first event until 2022), that they’ll make good use of the extra year they now have to plan & prepare.

29th (Sat)

Pray for the team planning the National Youth Ministry Weekend (NYMW), taking place in November.

30th (Sun)

Over the last year, the number of young people experiencing mental health issues has risen substantially. Pray that they will be able to find support quickly, to minimise the long-term effects.

31st (Mon)

Pray for Chris, Martin, Lucie & Jemimah, as they navigate the way forward for Youthscape. For God's clear guidance, wisdom & presence.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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