1st (Mon)
Martin & Chris are in Princeton for 5 days. Pray that this would be a time of blessing for them, as they learn from, & engage with their American colleagues. |
2nd (Tue)
Pray for Alice, as she starts work for Youthscape this month, as Director of Church Development. |
3rd (Wed)
Please pray for the Alumina team, for hope & resilience, as they come into contact with young people who experience deep hurt & struggles in their lives. |
4th (Thu)
Pray for young people on the Fearless & Compass courses this term; that they would enjoy being part of the group, & that their lives would be positively changed for the future. |
5th (Fri)
Luton Unite is at Hope Church this evening. Please pray that it would be a fun event for the young people, & that they would come to know more about faith as a result. |
6th (Sat)
Pray for the research team, as they take time to research the impact of the pandemic on teenagers. |
7th (Sun)
Pray for young people revising & preparing for their GCSEs, A Levels & other exams. |
8th (Mon)
The local team are in schools this term, running groups with pupils from years 7 & 8. Pray that this will make a positive difference in the lives of the young people involved. |
9th (Tue)
Please pray for the local team, volunteers & young people who are part of the Drop in community; which meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays during term time. |
10th (Wed)
Pray for our new resource, Anti Racism Conversations. That people will engage with it, & find the content really helpful in addressing positive & productive conversations about race. |
11th (Thu)
Pray for the local team: Gemma, David, Robert, Beki, Emily & Ty, as they work with young people this month, And for Jemimah, who is currently on maternity leave. |
12th (Fri)
Thank God for the speakers who are already booked to speak at Satellites, & pray for us as we consider & approach others to be part of this event.
13th (Sat)
Alumina has a long waiting list, with so many young people in need of help. Pray for the team to grow, & for us to be able to accept that we can only do so much. |
14th (Sun)
Funding is an ongoing requirement for the work of Youthscape, Alumina & the Satellites Festival. Please pray that we will find new sources of funding to support our work with young people & youth workers. |
15th (Mon)
Please pray for the Annual Youthscape St Mellitus Lecture today. This year's subject is - A Church for Gen 'A', taking place both in person, (at St Mellitus College), & online, for youth workers https://www.youthscape.co.uk/L... |
16th (Tue)
Pray for churches considering joining a Youthscape Essentials course at the moment, & for those groups running in diocese' around the UK. |
17th (Wed)
Please pray that lots more young people & youth groups will sign up to attend Satellites by the booking deadline at the end of this month. |
18th (Thu)
Satellites requires a large team of volunteers to run efficiently & well. Pray that lots of people will sign up to be part of this year's festival team. |
19th (Fri)
Luton Unite One is at Bute Mills this evening. Please pray that the young people would engage well with this discipleship group. |
20th (Sat)
Pray for the Youthscape leadership team: Chris, Martin, Lucie, Alex & Sarah, as they seek God's wisdom & direction for Youthscape's vision, strategy, culture & people. |
21st (Sun)
Pray for funding for the NHS, so more support can be provided for young people who are feeling lost & struggling with their mental health. |
22nd (Mon)
Pray for the Bute Mills youth group, who meet on Monday evenings. That the young people would enjoy being part of this community, & feel safe & valued there. |
23rd (Tue)
Please pray for Compass. For Emily, Beki & Ty, as they lead the sessions, & for the young people - who are at risk of disengaging from school due to their behaviour & low aspirations.
24th (Wed)
The summer term is incredibly busy at Youthscape. Please pray for our team, that we would support & encourage each other at this time, & that we would know God's presence in all that we do. |
25th (Thu)
Young carers have to balance looking after loved ones with school work. Pray that they would find support in these complex situations, & that they would be able to find time to spend with friends.
26th (Fri)
Pray for the Alumina team, who are working very hard at the moment to respond to as many young people as possible. |
27th (Sat)
Pray for the young people who will be attending Fearless in June & July. That they will go on a journey of self-acceptance, & find practical ways of improving their mental health. |
28th (Sun)
Hannah & Gemma, (Lucie, Chris & Martin), are doing research on working with smaller numbers of young people. Pray that this will be useful, & that it will inform the resources we create in the future. |
29th (Mon)
Pray for our trustees: Matt, Tim, Nenadi, Andy & Andy, for wisdom, vision & courage, as they oversee the work of Youthscape. And pray that we will be able to find new trustees to join this team. |
30th (Tue)
Pray for Chris, (our CEO), who's been working for Youthscape since it started as LCET in 1993. Pray that God would continue to fill him with energy, passion & wisdom for his role, as he leads the charity & supports the team. |
31st (Wed)
Pray for the Satellites team, as they continue to develop an exciting programme for the Satellites event taking place in August. |