
"Remember, remember the ... of November!" Except we're not thinking of bonfires and fireworks. For Youthscape - this month the focus is the 18th of November. That Friday evening we open our fifth national conference for church youth workers - a weekend of inspiration and encouragement that we call The National Youth Ministry Weekend.

Every member of the Youthscape team, with some volunteers to boot, will be on hand to welcome one thousand Christians from across the UK to the venue in central Birmingham. For many, it will be the highlight of the year - a chance to learn new skills, pray, worship and simply be in the company of others who care about young people and their place in the church. Some will come from thriving youth groups, bursting at the seams, but many others will come from churches where there is struggle to keep even the few young people they have. For them, the warmth and welcome of the weekend will be a lifesaver.

So back to you - and your wonderful willingness to pray for Youthscape and our ministry. This month, and on that weekend in particular, would you spare a moment to pray for our event to not only be a blessing to the youth workers who are there, but the many thousands of young people who they love and serve - and who will just as much be beneficiaries of a great weekend.

APOLOGIES! There was a technical glitch in October meaning some prayer letters may not have gone out. We've fixed it - but sorry if you missed our regular email as a result.


1st (Tue)

Pray for the team leading Fearless and Compass; for strength, times to rest, grace & for God's inspiration as they run the course & look at developing it for the future.

2nd (Wed)

Pray for Christian young people, that they would know God’s presence with them. That they would find support from friends, youth workers & churches, & that they would encourage each other in their faith.

3rd (Thu)

Pray for Drop In, taking place each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, (3.30pm - 6pm).

4th (Fri)

Young people from Youthscape & local churches are joining together tonight for this month's Luton Unite event, taking place at St Luke's. Pray for that it would be a fun & safe event for everyone.

5th (Sat)

Please pray for the Youthscape Essentials course. That it'll strengthen the number of volunteers working with young people in churches, & that more young people might come to know Jesus as a result.

6th (Sun)

For God to inspire creativity & innovation for our fundraising - so that we will find potential new streams of income for Youthscape, especially in these difficult financial times.

7th (Mon)

As prices for heating, electricity, food etc. continue to rise - please pray for those who are struggling financially, especially those who are being forced to make difficult decisions about whether to spend money on food or heating, & who are worried about how to look after their families.

8th (Tue)

Please pray for the young people on our Alumina courses this term, & for the team leading each group. https://www.selfharm.co.uk

9th (Wed)

Please pray for the Youthscape team - for the final preparations for the National Youth Ministry Weekend.

10th (Thu)

School can be a very daunting & difficult place for some young people. Please pray for those who are; struggling to make friends, who are lonely, & for those experiencing bullying.

11th (Fri)

Please pray for the new Luton Unite discipleship group 'One', as they meet together this evening.

12th (Sat)

Pray for children & young people living with special educational needs. For the challenges they & their families face on a day-to-day basis.

13th (Sun)

Please pray for the Alumina groups. For wisdom for the team leading the groups, & that the young people will feel comfortable & safe in their online groups.

14th (Mon)

Please pray for the logistics of getting everything & everyone we need to - safely to the venue, in Birmingham. And for the team as they set everything up ready for Friday.

15th (Tue)

Please pray for the Youthscape team - for the final preparations for the National Youth Ministry Weekend.

16th (Wed)

Please pray for staff & speakers working at the NYMW. Pray for God's protection over their health both before, & over the weekend. And for safety as they make their way to the venue.

17th (Thu)

Pray for young people in care across Luton, that they would find support through Youthscape and other local youth organisations.

18th (Fri)

Please pray for the NYMW team, the speakers & youth workers as they travel to Birmingham from around the country today.

19th (Sat)

Pray for all those at the NYMW, that they would know God's presence. And that they would be inspired & encouraged in the work that they do, both now & as they go back to their roles next week.

20th (Sun)

At the NYMW this morning, we'll be spending time as a community of youth workers, praying, worshipping & listening to God. Pray for renewed vision, inspiration & enthusiasm, in our work with young people.

21st (Mon)

The Youthscape team will be taking some time off this week - to recover from working all weekend. Pray that it will be a chance to rest & spend time with family & friends.

22nd (Tue)

A lot of young people struggle with their mental health, & anxiety. Pray that they would find the support & outlets they need to be able to talk about the things that are concerning them.

23rd (Wed)

Pray for the Youthscape leadership team & trustees, for God’s wisdom & vision as they plan for the year ahead.

24th (Thu)

Hannah is on our Innovation Team, pray for her as she designs & works on new resources. And for Nicki, as she manages the online store & getting resources to youth workers.

25th (Fri)

Please pray that the Youthscape podcast, (featuring many different contributors), will be a real blessing to many youth workers around the UK & beyond. https://www.youthscape.co.uk/p...

26th (Sat)

We are so grateful for our amazing volunteers, who make a big difference to the work we are able to do. Please pray for them as they work with us & local young people.

27th (Sun)

Drop in takes place on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays, after school. Pray that this would be a positive, safe community for local young people.

28th (Mon)

Pray for the thousands of youth workers who are doing amazing work in churches up and down the country.

29th (Tue)

For the Youthscape team, pray for our emotional & physical wellbeing. For strength & wisdom, energy & inspiration, as we seek to serve young people, youth workers & professionals.

30th (Wed)

For young people across Luton who’ve been in our different groups this term: Pray that taking part will make a huge difference to their wellbeing, & have a lasting, positive impact on their lives.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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