
Pray with us through October for the ministry of Youthscape with young people.

This month we are especially conscious of the increasing impact of the Coronavirus, and the difference it’s making to the lives of young people.

Pray for those who’ve left home for the first time, to start college or university, but find themselves locked down and unable to make the connections and friendships that are so crucial. Pray for young people who are aware that their families are struggling financially because of redundancies.

Teenagers deal with pressure and stress differently - some bury it and try to forget about it. At the other extreme, we are working with young people who are harming themselves as a way of coping with overwhelming emotions. Not every young person has the support structures and home life they need to deal with what’s happening.

As a Christian organisation we want to be at the heart of serving young people and equipping churches to do the same.

Last week we published a free, new resource, ‘Together Apart’, for church youth groups. It gives them everything they need to connect with young people online and is being downloaded by hundreds of churches across the country, as they seek to connect with the teenagers in their communities.

The response to ‘Headstrong’ has been simply amazing too. (Headstrong is a new online service to support young people’s mental health that Youthscape launched on 1st September.) Many thousands of young people are visiting the site daily to get help and advice from Christian doctors, youth workers, psychologists and other professionals. It puts the church at the heart of the challenges young people are facing - right where we should be.

So there is much to pray for - and we thank you for being partners with us, caring about young people and meeting their needs.



1st (Thu)

We’re delivering Thrive this term, (a programme supporting students with their mental & emotional wellbeing). Pray that this transforms the lives of the young people involved.

2nd (Fri)

Young people are back in school, but experiencing so many additional worries & pressures this term. Pray that they would know God’s peace & support at this time.

3rd (Sat)

Alex Durand has joined our Finance team this week. Please pray that she will settle in quickly & find it easy to learn all the different aspects of her new role.

4th (Sun)

Our online conference was rescheduled, due to technical difficulties, & is taking place tomorrow instead. Pray that everything runs smoothly & for it to reach as many Christian schools workers as possible.

5th (Mon)

Pray for our team hosting ‘A New Hope’ today. Focusing on what Christian schools work could look like this year & how to navigate the challenges that this presents.

6th (Tue)

Pray for Gemma & Connie - running small groups in Stockwood Academy this term, & for the team leading Thrive with the students there too.

7th (Wed)

Pray for the team working in Ashcroft, Chiltern Academy & Icknield, as they run small groups & Thrive this term.

8th (Thu)

Matt is leaving our local team to start his training with the police force. Please pray for him as he undertakes his new role.

9th (Fri)

Robert & Jemimah are leading small groups & Thrive at Cardinal Newman. Please pray for them as they support the young people there this term.

10th (Sat)

It is a particularly difficult time to find sources of funding. Please pray for the applications we have in place, that they would receive positive responses.

11th (Sun)

Pray for the Innovation team, as they seek to create new resources for youth leaders working in ever-changing contexts.

12th (Mon)

Martin & the Youthscape team are involved in a creative meeting today. Pray for us, as we seek to find new ways of reaching young people & equipping youth workers.

13th (Tue)

Chris, Karen, Jemimah, Martin & Lucie are our leadership team. Please pray that they would be inspired, as they seek God’s wisdom & guidance for the future.

14th (Wed)

Our new Satellites Marketing & Engagement Manager Zoë Tunstall, is starting this week. Pray that she settles in quickly & enjoys being part of her new team.

15th (Thu)

Reuben, Robert & Connie work for Youthscape & local churches. Pray for wisdom for them as they reach out to the young people online who are experiencing social media fatigue.

16th (Fri)

Pray for David & Hannah - running small groups in Chalk Hills Academy this term, & for the team leading Thrive with the students there.

17th (Sat)

Thank God for our volunteers. Even though changes in our programmes mean many can’t volunteer at the moment, pray they’d know that they’re a valuable part of the team & very much missed!

18th (Sun)

Jenny & the Alumina team, supporting young people with their mental health. Pray for wisdom, energy & ongoing support for them as a team, as they work with young people facing difficult situations.

19th (Mon)

Our team are busy supporting students, school staff, professionals, youth workers & church leaders. Please pray for protection over the health of our team, so that we can continue supporting others at this time.

20th (Tue)

Please pray that the resources we are creating continue to meet the needs of youth workers & young people.

21st (Wed)

Many young people are experiencing loneliness. Pray that they would be able to find the support they need online & safe friendship networks.

22nd (Thu)

Pray that our resources will make a real & lasting difference to the lives of young people & youth workers who use them in the UK, Europe & around the world.

23rd (Fri)

Now that young people are back in education, pray for safety & protection for students, school staff & families. Pray too for wisdom for school staff as they seek to teach pupils in these difficult times.

24th (Sat)

Please pray for the launch of the research report, ‘Teenage Christians, the Church & Climate Change’, that our Research team have produced in partnership with Tearfund.

25th (Sun)

Please pray that youth leaders will book themselves & their youth groups on to our new Summer youth festival, Satellites, taking place next summer.

26th (Mon)

Young people will have had different experiences of home schooling last term. Please pray for teachers as they try to bring students in line with each other this term.

27th (Tue)

Pray for Chris & Lillie, (leading Youthscape Essentials), as they find ways to enable church leaders from around the UK to reach out to young people in their communities.

28th (Wed)

Pray for wisdom & creativity for the team putting together our new resources, ‘Together Apart’, for youth groups that are meeting online or socially distanced.

29th (Thu)

‘Together Apart’ is released online every Tuesday. Pray that youth workers will find it helpful in engaging young people in thinking about their Christian faith.

30th (Fri)

Pray for the teams working in Lealands, Putteridge, Denbigh & Lea Manor High Schools after half-term, as they run small groups & Thrive with the pupils there.

31st (Sat)

Pray for young people preparing for their mock exams this term, with all the challenges they face, & for the uncertainties they feel about the future.

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Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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