
What draws a young person to church? Looking around a Sunday morning congregation of mostly elderly people I asked myself that question a few weeks back. You might initially think it's to do with the kind of music being played, the style and tone of the service or just the fact that it clashes with sports and the other activities that now occupy the seventh day. And yes, these surely play a part. But I doubt they are the heart of the problem.

For that we have to take a more honest look at ourselves as Christians. In a world of austerity and anxiety, personal and international, teenagers are asking the most honest and basic questions of human existence: Who am I? Is there hope? Can we change? And if they don't find an answer in the church to those profound questions, they will quickly move on to look elsewhere. Young people have a canny ability to spot insincerity and half-heartedness.

That left me thinking that the challenge we face together as a church isn't just about starting new youth groups, it's about deepening our own Christian experience and making sure that our hope and faith are truly visible in the life of the church. Young people will be drawn to a church that has those in abundance, even if they don't have the latest music.

Our work at Youthscape - the work that you are praying with us for this month - is not just to young people and youth workers. Increasingly we are also helping church and church leaders think about developing the kind of church that answers the profound and important questions young people are asking. If we are to re-engage a new generation, it will demand more of us that perhaps we might expect.


3rd (Mon)

Please pray for more youth workers, church leaders & volunteers to sign up to the NYMW over the next few weeks.

4th (Tue)

Please pray for the Youthscape Essentials course. That it'll strengthen the number of volunteers working with young people in churches, & that more young people might come to know Jesus as a result.

5th (Wed)

As prices for heating, electricity, food etc. continue to rise - please pray for those who are struggling financially, especially those who are being forced to make difficult decisions about whether to spend money on food or heating, & who are worried about how to look after their families.

6th (Thu)

Alumina is accessed by young people who self-harm. Pray for the team leading the groups, & for the young people joining them online.

7th (Fri)

October’s Luton Unite event is happening tonight, & young people from Youthscape & local churches are joining together. Pray for that it would be a fun & safe event for everyone.

8th (Sat)

For the Youthscape team, pray for our emotional & physical wellbeing. For strength & wisdom, energy & inspiration, as we seek to serve young people, youth workers & professionals.

9th (Sun)

Pray that God would continue to bless the finances & fundraising of Youthscape, especially in these difficult financial times.

10th (Mon)

Please pray for young people who attend the Bute Mills Drop-In for those in school years 7 & 8, taking place each Monday after school.

11th (Tue)

Sadly, many young people experience racism. Pray they would know the support of people around them, & that these issues wouldn’t be forgotten, but be addressed positively in their communities.

12th (Wed)

Pray for Drop In, taking place each Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, (3.30pm - 6pm), for those in years 9 - 13.

13th (Thu)

Pray for young people on the Fearless & Compass courses this term; that they would enjoy being part of the group, & that their lives would be positively changed for the future.

14th (Fri)

A lot of young people struggle with anxiety, especially in the current climate. Please pray that they would find support & outlets to talk about the things that are concerning them.

15th (Sat)

Pray for Hannah & the Innovation team, as they look for new opportunities for innovation that truly met the needs of todays young people.

16th (Sun)

We are launching our new 'Talking about Life' playing cards this month. Pray that they will be a blessing to those working with young people.

17th (Mon)

Please pray for the team, as they prepare for & finalise the programme for the National Youth Ministry Weekend, (taking place from 18th - 20th November).

18th (Tue)

Please pray that more people would join our volunteer team, & thank God for our amazing volunteers and the contribution they make to all areas of our work.

19th (Wed)

Drop in takes place on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays, after school. Pray that this would be a positive, safe community for local young people.

20th (Thu)

Young people are struggling with self-harm, both in Luton & across the UK. Please pray they will continue to find support through the Alumina groups.

21st (Fri)

Please pray for the new Luton Unite discipleship group 'One', as they meet together this evening.

22nd (Sat)

Pray for Stephanie - who is joining Youthscape as part of Research team this month.

23rd (Sun)

Please pray for the Alumina groups. For wisdom for the team leading the groups, & that the young people involved will feel comfortable & safe in their online groups.

24th (Mon)

This week is half term. Pray for young people for whom home life is challenging, & for young carers who are looking after family members & may well have extra responsibilities during the holidays.

25th (Tue)

Pray that we would see more young people from Drop-In coming to Luton Unite & exploring faith.

26th (Wed)

Pray for young people preparing for their mock exams this term.

27th (Thu)

Pray for the team rewriting some of our older, popular resources, so they continue to be relevant.

28th (Fri)

Thank God for our faithful supporters, who support us in prayer, financially & as volunteers.

29th (Sat)

Pray for Christian young people in Luton, that they will grow in their faith and confidence this coming year.

30th (Sun)

Over the last 2 years, the number of young people experiencing mental health disorders has risen substantially. Pray they’ll be able to find support, to minimise the long-term effects on their mental wellbeing.

31st (Mon)

Pray for the variety of different people who hire our rooms for work, who represent local charities, businesses & other christian organisations.

Follow us for all the latest Youthscape news.

Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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