
Thank you for praying with us through September!

We continue to adapt to the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, and the resulting needs of young people. As schools return this month, we're providing help for students' mental wellbeing through a suite of new resources and programmes. Christian faith has so much to say about how we can deal with anxiety and worry, and the ways we can improve our mental health. We want to communicate that to young people in relevant and helpful ways.

So, this month, we're launching a new online resource called Headstrong. It's a joint project between Youthscape and Mind & Soul Foundation, (one of the UK's most respected mental health organisations).

It's a brand new space for young people in the church and beyond, grounded in Christian faith. It promotes positive mental wellbeing, as well as providing advice and information from doctors and other professionals, experienced youth workers and other young people.

Our hope is that churches and youth leaders will finally have a place to refer young people to, to get the help and support they need. Pray for our team working on the project, and for the launch this month. But pray also for the thousands of young people dealing with mental health challenges like anxiety, self-harm, isolation, depression and loss.

As ever, we appreciate your support.



1st (Tue)

Headstrong launches this month. Please pray for the Youthscape & Mind & Soul Foundation team involved in this, & that the launch will go smoothly.

2nd (Wed)

Pray that young people starting year 7 would have a positive first experience of high school. Also, that school staff would be able to spot any young person who's struggling & offer them support.

3rd (Thu)

Today is our team retreat day. Pray for us as we spend time together as a team, (for the first time since March), & seek God for the term ahead.

4th (Fri)

Pray for those young people in Luton who are struggling with anxiety and who are especially worried about returning to school.

5th (Sat)

Many young people experience bullying in school & online. Pray that school staff, parents & youth workers would be able to deal with this positively.

6th (Sun)

Pray for God's protection over the health of young people & staff in schools.

7th (Mon)

Pray for students catching up with school work they missed last term. Also, for teachers to be able to support them, as they may all have had very different home schooling experiences.

8th (Tue)

All our work requires constant fundraising. Please pray for our funding applications - that they would be met with positive responses.

9th (Wed)

Pray for young people starting college, apprenticeships & university this term. Especially with the added complexities bought about by COVID-19.

10th (Thu)

Pray for the team as they work with new young people this term. That positive relationships would be built that will make a real difference to their lives.

11th (Fri)

Pray that young people, youth workers & other professionals will find our new online resource, Headstrong, & that they will find it encouraging & helpful.

12th (Sat)

For the young people taking part in our online Alumina groups. Pray that they would receive support to help them overcome their mental health struggles.

13th (Sun)

Pray for inspiration, wisdom & energy for Jemimah, as she manages the local team & in her role on the leadership team.

14th (Mon)

Pray that, over the coming year, the local team will continue to build on the good relationships they have made with schools & youth organisations.

15th (Tue)

Gemma manages our wonderful team of volunteers alongside her work on the local team. Pray for her as she manages all the different areas of her work.

16th (Wed)

Pray that schools will continue to refer young people they know would benefit from working with us, even though that may well look very different at the moment.

17th (Thu)

Pray that, whatever our role at Youthscape, we are able to communicate something of our faith through our words & actions to those we come into contact with.

18th (Fri)

Thank God for all the volunteers serving young people in churches & their communities.

19th (Sat)

Pray for Chris & the Youthscape Leadership Team. For God's direction, clear strategies & inspiration as they plan for the future in this challenging time.

20th (Sun)

Today is Youth Work Sunday. Pray for churches involved in their local youth work & for churches who have no young people - that they’d feel encouraged to start engaging with young people in some way.

21st (Mon)

Pray for our team hosting 'A New Hope' today - an online conference for youth workers. Focusing on what Christian schools work could look like this year, & how to navigate the challenges that this presents.

22nd (Tue)

Please pray for Chris, Karen & Lucy, who are involved in ongoing fundraising for our work. That they would be able to find new sources of income.

23rd (Wed)

As young people come to terms with the impact of quarantine & the affects of COVID-19, pray that Headstrong will be a place they find practical support & encouragement.

24th (Thu)

Pray for our Satellites team: Martin, Robbie, Natalie & Katie, as they organise our national youth event taking place next summer.

25th (Fri)

As many youth workers open up the conversation about racism with their young people, pray that this will challenge them to make positive changes & advance racial justice.

26th (Sat)

For education staff working in our schools, colleges & universities, pray that they would be able to find valuable support when they need it.

27th (Sun)

Launchpad is Youthscape's training for church leaders who want their church to start working with young people. Pray those taking part would be encouraged, inspired & equipped by the training.

28th (Mon)

Pray for our Board of Trustees, for God's wisdom & guidance as they oversee the work of Youthscape.

29th (Tue)

For the Youthscape team, pray for our emotional & physical wellbeing. For strength & wisdom, energy & inspiration, as we seek to serve young people, youth workers & professionals.

30th (Wed)

Pray for young people in care across Luton, that they would be able to find support through Youthscape & other local youth organisations.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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