1st (Wed)
Pray that young people starting year 7 would have a positive first experience of high school. Also, that school staff would be able to spot any young person who’s struggling & offer them support.
2nd (Thu)
Please pray for our team, as we spend some time together on retreat, praying & preparing for the term ahead.
3rd (Fri)
Pray that we will be able to spend more time working together from the office this term, & for an increased sense of team.
4th (Sat)
Pray for Youth workers starting their new term programmes. May they feel energised, despite busy summer programmes, & may relationships be established really quickly despite the chaos of the last 18 months.
5th (Sun)
Church leaders & youth workers are supporting their congregations, young people & those in their communities. Pray that they would know God’s wisdom, inspiration & peace as they serve.
6th (Mon)
Pray for those young people in Luton who are struggling with anxiety and who are especially worried about returning to school.
7th (Tue)
Pray for young people & our local team, as Drop-In starts back at Bute Mills today.
8th (Wed)
Pray for Youth workers starting their new term programmes. May they feel energised, despite busy summer programmes, and may relationships be established really quickly despite the chaos of the last year. |
9th (Thu)
Pray for youth groups reading through the We Are Satellites book together, as they explore what it means to be disciples. |
10th (Fri)
Pray for young people across the UK, as they start college, apprenticeships & university this term.
11th (Sat)
Please pray for Jemimah, Gemma, Robert, Dave & Reuben, as they restart all of the local team programmes this month.
12th (Sun)
For education staff working in our schools, colleges & universities, pray that they would be able to find valuable support when they need it. |
13th (Mon)
Pray for Rachel, Amy, Martin and Olly as they record a brand new season of the popular Youthscape podcast. |
14th (Tue)
Pray for the team as they work with new young people this term. For positive relationships to be built that will make a real difference to their lives.
15th (Wed)
Pray for people to connect with the Satellites vision & book their youth groups tickets for 9th - 13th August 2022. |
16th (Thu)
Pray for inspiration, wisdom & energy for Jemimah & Gemma, as they manage the work of the local team. |
17th (Fri)
Alumina is accessed by young people who self-harm. Pray for the team leading the groups, & for the young people - that it’ll be a safe space for them to talk & find help to cope with overwhelming emotions. |
18th (Sat)
Pray for young people experiencing racism, that they would know the support of people around them, & that these issues would be addressed positively in communities locally, nationally and globally. |
19th (Sun)
Pray for young people in care across Luton, that they would be able to find support through Youthscape & other local youth organisations. |
20th (Mon)
Please pray that lots of people will sign up for the National Youth Ministry Weekend, taking place in November, & for Satellites, taking place next summer. |
21st (Tue)
Please pray for the local team, who are launching a project called God’s Good Earth, where young people make art work exploring climate change.
22nd (Wed)
Pray for our Innovation team as we present a major seminar with the leaders of the Fresh Expressions church planting movement. |
23rd (Thu)
As we launch a new fundraising campaign, please pray that we will reach new people & engage new supporters. And pray for Esther, as she explores new avenues of fundraising. |
24th (Fri)
Pray that, over the coming year, the local team will continue to build on the good relationships they have made with schools & youth organisations. |
25th (Sat)
Pray for the team putting together the programme for the National Youth Ministry Weekend in November, that we’ll be able to create the event that youth workers need after a two-year break. |
26th (Sun)
Youthscape Essentials launches the Train the Trainer course at the end of the month, pray that God will call people to join us in making this course available across the nation. |
27th (Mon)
For young people in the different groups led by our local team across Luton this term. Pray that taking part will make a huge difference to their wellbeing, & have a lasting, positive impact on their lives. |
28th (Tue)
Today is a National Day of Prayer for Schools. Please pray with us for schools, staff & students across the UK.
29th (Wed)
Pray for the Satellites team this autumn, as they launch applications for people to join the team running the event next summer. |
30th (Thu)
Pray for the Innovation team, as they seek to create new resources for youth leaders working in ever-changing contexts. |