
It’s the Autumn term! Schools are back, and youth groups are restarting after the summer break. It's always the busiest term for the team here at Youthscape, and your prayers and support are needed more than ever.

In Luton, we’re opening our Drop-in at Bute Mills - for hundreds of young people to come and connect with us after school. And, speaking of schools, we’ll be heading back into those as well - to support students who need some pastoral care, to take assemblies and more.

Meanwhile, our team are also preparing for the National Youth Ministry Weekend, which is a mere 11 weeks away! It’s the weekend we invite church youth leaders from across the UK to join us in Birmingham for encouragement, training and inspiration. More than 1,000 come each year.

Of course, that’s not all by any means. We’re also running Youthscape Essentials; training for church youth leaders from around the UK. And Lucie is facilitating Theological Reflection groups, for youth workers, as part of the Translating God Research Project.

As well as all that, Luton Unite are starting a new discipleship group for local young people this month.

We’re busy serving churches and young people in whatever way can at this time. There is so much to pray for!


1st (Thu)

Pray for the Youthscape team, as we start the new academic year together.

2nd (Fri)

Pray that young people starting year 7 would have a positive first experience of high school. And, that school staff would be able to spot any young person who’s struggling & offer them support.

3rd (Sat)

Pray for those young people in Luton who are struggling with anxiety, & who are especially worried about returning to school/college, or who starting at a new one.

4th (Sun)

Pray for the Youthscape leadership team & trustees, for God’s wisdom & vision as they plan for the year ahead.

5th (Mon)

Pray for local young people, as they start college, apprenticeships & university this term.

6th (Tue)

School can be a very daunting & difficult place for some young people. Please pray for those who are; struggling to make friends, who are lonely, & for those experiencing bullying.

7th (Wed)

Please pray for Jemimah, Gemma, Robert, Dave, Natasha & Matt, as they restart the local team programmes this month.

8th (Thu)

Pray that, whatever our role at Youthscape, we’re able to communicate something of our faith through our words & actions to those we come into contact with.

9th (Fri)

September’s Luton Unite event is happening tonight, & young people from Youthscape & local churches are joining together. Pray for that it would be a fun & safe event for everyone.

10th (Sat)

For education staff working in our schools, colleges & universities, pray that they would be able to find valuable support when they need it.

11th (Sun)

Pray for youth workers starting their new term programmes. May they feel energised, despite busy summer programmes, and may positive relationships with young people be established quickly.

12th (Mon)

Pray for the Youthscape team who head off to Pleshey on retreat today to pray and prepare for the new term.

13th (Tue)

While we are away on retreat, pray that God would inspire & speak to us - as we spend time together worshipping & listening to Him.

14th (Wed)

Pray that we will enjoy being back together as a team, after the summer break, & that God will inspire us for the school year ahead.

15th (Thu)

For new young people joining the different Youthscape groups; led by our local team across Luton & in Bute Mills this term.

16th (Fri)

Many young people will be starting university this month. Pray that they would settle in quickly, make friends, & find support when they need it.

17th (Sat)

Pray for the local team as they continue to develop the Fearless & Compass courses for the year ahead.

18th (Sun)

Pray that God would breathe freshness into everything we do with young people. And that He would give us new ideas & inspiration; that He’d clearly lead us this academic year.

19th (Mon)

Pray that God would continue to bless the finances & fundraising of Youthscape, especially in these difficult financial times.

20th (Tue)

Please pray that lots of people will sign up for the National Youth Ministry Weekend, taking place in November.

21st (Wed)

Pray for Drop In, taking place each Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, (3.30pm - 6pm), for those in years 9 - 13.

22nd (Thu)

Please pray for the young people on our Alumina courses this term, & for the team leading each group. https://www.selfharm.co.uk

23rd (Fri)

Pray for the first meeting tonight of the brand new Luton Unite discipleship group. It’s an opportunity for young people to come together, in small groups, to explore the bible & pray together.

24th (Sat)

Pray for inspiration, wisdom & energy for Jemimah & Gemma, as they manage the work of the local team.

25th (Sun)

Hannah is on our Innovation Team, pray for her as she designs & works on new resources. And for Nicki, as she manages the online store & getting resources to youth workers.

26th (Mon)

Pray for young people who are worried about climate change. That they would find positive ways to make an impact in campaigning & making changes that have a lasting affect.

27th (Tue)

Please pray for the team planning this year’s National Youth Ministry Weekend event, as it moves to a new venue this November.

28th (Wed)

Jenny (F) & Jenny (C) both manage Alumina, our online work supporting young people who self-harm. Pray for them to know wisdom, understanding & peace in their work.

29th (Thu)

Pray for Lucie, as she continues to develop the Translating God research project, working in a focus group with other youth workers.

30th (Fri)

We are so grateful for our amazing volunteers, who make a big difference to the work we are able to do. Please pray for them as they work with us & local young people.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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