1st (Mon)
Please pray for the Youthscape/St Mellitus annual lecture taking place on YouTube this evening. Exploring a theological understanding of being present with young people online. |
2nd (Tue)
Alumina has more applicants than ever at the moment. Pray that young people would find the support they need in the groups & the online drop in. |
3rd (Wed)
We’re launching a new resource today - Green Shuffle. Designed to help young people connect faith with their concern for the environment. Please pray it will inspire & empower them.
4th (Thu)
Pray for Martin as he speaks at the Ekklesia conference for church leaders, where he’ll be encouraging them to invest more in youth work.
5th (Fri)
Pray for the team leading the Luton Unite Youtube event this evening, & for the young people taking part online. |
6th (Sat)
For our fundraising, please pray for continued success with the trusts & funders we've applied to. Especially for the two large applications we have recently submitted.
7th (Sun)
Our free online resources: Together Apart & Together Apart 2 (God at the Centre), are session plans to help youth leaders engage & explore discipleship with their youth groups. Pray the sessions will help young people grow in their faith. |
8th (Mon)
Pray for teachers, school staff & young people; for safety & peace of mind as they return to schools & colleges across England this week. |
9th (Tue)
Pray for God's inspiration & blessing for our local team, as they contact some of the young people who haven't engaged with us as much as they would normally over this last year. |
10th (Wed)
Pray that young people, youth workers, parents & professionals will find our online mental health resource Be Headstrong, & that they'll find it encouraging & helpful. |
11th (Thu)
Pray for safety & for practical & emotional support for key workers & their families as they continue to serve their communities so faithfully. |
12th (Fri)
Church leaders & youth workers are supporting their congregations, young people & those in their communities. Pray that they would know God's wisdom, inspiration & peace as they serve.
13th (Sat)
Pray for God's inspiration & encouragement for our local team; as they continually find new ways to support local young people. |
14th (Sun)
Martin is speaking at two churches today about the Satellites event, & the values that lie behind it. Please pray for him as he seeks to help young people meet with Jesus. |
15th (Mon)
Pray for children & young people living with special educational needs. There are about 1 million, (of whom 1 in 10 have complex & life-limiting conditions). The pandemic & the response to it have created even greater challenges for them & their families. |
16th (Tue)
Young people are doing even more than ever digitally. Pray for their safety online, & that they'll be able to rest when they are experiencing digital fatigue. |
17th (Wed)
Pray for vulnerable young people & for those with abusive or chaotic family relationships. That they would not remain 'invisible', but be able to find the support & help they need to stay safe.
18th (Thu)
Please pray for the team who are busy preparing for Renew Normal, (taking place next week), as they get ready for this 3 day online event for youth workers. https://www.youthscape.co.uk/r... |
19th (Fri)
Please pray for Lillie & the team piloting the first Youthscape Essentials online course, & for the volunteers attending. |
20th (Sat)
Pray for Hannah & the Innovation team, for inspiration & creativity as they continually develop new resources for young people & those working with them. |
21st (Sun)
Poverty affects over 4.3 million children/young people across the UK. Pray that families would be able to access practical & financial help & support to ease the burdens they're facing. |
22nd (Mon)
Renew Normal takes place this week, (24th - 26th). Please pray that the technical aspects will run smoothly, so that people can access it online without experiencing any problems. |
23rd (Tue)
Please pray for Karen, Sarah, Alex & Esther, as they oversee the finances & fundraising for Youthscape. And for Nicki - managing our resource sales & the online store.
24th (Wed)
Renew Normal: Pray that God will speak clearly & inspire those attending through the hosts & contributors as they lead each session.
25th (Thu)
Pray that those attending Renew Normal will be encouraged by spending time with an online community of youth workers who've been experiencing the same issues & challenges over the past year.
26th (Fri)
Pray for the hundreds of youth workers accessing ‘Renew Normal’. That it'll inspire their faith & encourage them as to what God can do through them as we think about what the future holds for youth work. |
27th (Sat)
So many young people are having to make decisions about their future. Please pray for them as they navigate their way through this uncertain time. |
28th (Sun)
Thank God for all the youth workers & professionals working with young people. For their dedication & for the ways they are finding to support those in their care. |
29th (Mon)
Pray for school staff, that they would be able to relax & enjoy some time off with their families over the Easter break. |
30th (Tue)
Pray for the many families who are affected by job losses throughout the UK. That they won’t lose hope as they face many emotional & financial pressures. |
31st (Wed)
Pray for the Youthscape team - that they can enjoy a break over Easter, & that they'll feel relaxed & refreshed as they return for the Summer term in April. |