
International conflict casts a shadow over our lives, and becomes a focus of our prayers in these times. Psalm 34 exhorts people to "Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it."

We pray for peace and think of the families, the children and young people who are caught up in the midst of what is happening in Ukraine.

We also think of young people caught up in smaller but still painful conflict in their lives here in Luton and across the UK: Those who are living in families where conflict and fighting is an everyday experience, and those who are the victims of violence and conflict through abuse or bullying.

Our faith compels us both to pray and to act to bring about peace. Here in Luton this month, we are working with a group of young people who are in conflict at school. Their behaviour, for whatever reasons, has put them at odds with education.

Joining a Youthscape course is often a last ditch attempt to re-engage them with learning. Our team do such an amazing job, welcoming them to Bute Mills for a day each week where they look at some of root causes of their behaviour and challenges at school. It's bound up in love and care for each of them and the determination to help them imagine a better lives for themselves.

We pray for peace internationally but we also want to be peacemakers in the communities where we live. This is the ministry and work of Youthscape, and so much more. Pray with us this month and let us do good and seek peace.


1st (Tue)

Pray for our team leading groups this month: Tuesdays: Dave & Reuben - Queen Elizabeth School, Wednesdays: Jemimah & Matt - Putteridge, Thursdays: Rob & Matt - Stockwood Park Academy, & Gemma: Icknield.

2nd (Wed)

Please pray for the Youthscape Essentials course. That it'll strengthen the number of volunteers working with young people in churches, & that more young people might come to know Jesus as a result. (https://www.youthscape.co.uk/y...)

3rd (Thu)

Pray for young people on the Fearless & Compass courses this term; that they would enjoy being part of the group, & that their lives would be positively changed for the future.

4th (Fri)

Young people from Youthscape & local churches are joining together tonight for this month’s Luton Unite event. Pray for that it would be a fun & safe event for everyone.

5th (Sat)

Pray for people & families in the UK, who are worried about friends & family members in Ukraine. Pray that they would experience God's peace, & for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine.

6th (Sun)

Pray for the Compass residential, (8th - 9th March), that the young people will enjoy themselves, & that the experience will help them grow in determination, resilience & aspiration.

7th (Mon)

Please pray for the Annual Youthscape St Mellitus Lecture today. This year's subject is - Translating God: A theological conversation, taking place both in person, (at St Mellitus College), & online, for youth workers https://www.youthscape.co.uk/l...

8th (Tue)

Please pray for the leaders of various Christian events & the Satellites team, as they meet today to pray & look at ways of working together in the future.

9th (Wed)

Please pray for the young people on our Alumina courses this term. And for the team leading each group, especially our new team members Elliot & Pleasant, who are starting this month.

10th (Thu)

Orbit, (the Satellites daily reflections), are beginning to look at the book of Mark this month. Pray for Iona, Robin, Lois & Christie leading the sessions, & that Orbit will continue to help young people grow in their faith.

11th (Fri)

Pray for those young people in Luton who are facing difficult challenges at home, school or in other ways - that we may help them in some way.

12th (Sat)

Please pray for Hannah, who is in the process of developing a new anti-racism resource. Pray for wisdom, sensitivity & inspiration for her in this process.

13th (Sun)

Please pray for young people as they make new friendships and learn new skills at #OpenHouse this term. https://www.youthscape.co.uk/y...

14th (Mon)

Created, (our course that helps young people explore their mental health/wellbeing through art & creativity), is on today. Pray that the young people would enjoy taking part in the group, & that it would make a real difference to them.

15th (Tue)

Young people across the UK are making decisions about further education, training & jobs. Please pray for wisdom & support for them, as they look to the future in such uncertain times.

16th (Wed)

Please pray for more volunteers to sign up to join the Satellites 2022 team. (About 400 volunteers are needed to make the event run smoothly.) https://www.youthscape.co.uk/s...

17th (Thu)

Please pray for Jemimah, Gemma, David, Robert, Reuben, Matt & Tasha, as they work with young people from across Luton this term.

18th (Fri)

Please pray for the Youthscape Innovation team, as they launch a new training course for youth leaders who are looking to develop their creativity.

19th (Sat)

The charity Centrepoint estimate that there are over 120,000 homeless young people across the UK. Please pray that more will be done to help these young people, & to prevent more becoming homeless in the future.

20th (Sun)

Pray for Kate, Jenny, Laura & the amazing volunteers - our BeHeadStrong team, (https://www.beheadstrong.uk). As they provide mental health support & advice for young people, their parents, youth workers & other professionals.

21st (Mon)

The OpenHouse Community Dinner is taking place tonight. Please pray for the young people as they prepare & serve dinner tonight, that it would be a really great evening for all involved. https://www.youthscape.co.uk/y...

22nd (Tue)

Pray for Lucie & Gry, our research team. That their research will inform the future of youth work, & have a positive impact on the way youth workers are able to lead & relate to young people.

23rd (Wed)

Poverty affects over 4.3 million children/young people across the UK. Pray that families would be able to access practical financial help & support to ease the burdens they're facing at this time.

24th (Thu)

Please pray for Sarah, Alex & Esther, as they oversee the finances & fundraising for Youthscape. And for Mulkina & Nicki - as they oversee the day to day admin of Youthscape & the store & room hire.

25th (Fri)

As many youth workers open up the conversation about racism with their young people, pray that this will challenge them to make positive changes & advance racial justice.

26th (Sat)

Please pray for the Satellites team, Martin, Robbie, Zoë, Alex, Tabi & Olly, as they plan ahead for the summer. (https://www.youthscape.co.uk/s...)

27th (Sun)

Pray for Martin & Rachel, as they present the vision of Satellites tomorrow, at a key gathering of youth leaders in North West of England.

28th (Mon)

The Created Exhibition is taking place today. Please pray for the young people involved as they exhibit their art, & that people will come to see their work. https://www.youthscape.co.uk/c...

29th (Tue)

For Jenny F & Jenny C & the Alumina team. Pray for wisdom, energy & ongoing support for them as a team, as they work with young people facing very difficult situations. (https://www.selfharm.co.uk)

30th (Wed)

Pray for the health & wellbeing of teachers & staff in our local schools.

31st (Thu)

We are so grateful for our amazing volunteers, who make a big difference to the work we are able to do. Please pray for them as they work with us and local young people.

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Youthscape, Bute Mills, 74 Bute St, Luton, LU1 2EY

Charity No: 1081754 | Company No: 3939801

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