Satellites is a summer event for young people, brought to you by the team at Youthscape. It’s a five-day gathering, designed to inspire teenagers to live with God at the centre of their lives for the other 360 days of the year.
Come and camp with your youth group – we’ll help you plan if it’s your first time.
Innovative, varied programme aimed at all stages of faith and none.
Make memories together and see lives transformed.

2025 Theme:
The Light shines in the darknessAnd the darkness has not overcome it
(John 1 v 5)
It is a moment of global despair. War rages; nations are splintered and divided; brutal strongmen hold power. Meanwhile economies struggle, and the climate crisis sees our environment and future growing ever more fragile. What a challenging time to be alive.
And what a time to be a teenager. To be growing up not just in the shadow of one global problem, but in the overpowering gloom created by many all at once. To have to navigate our modern world is one thing - but to know you're tasked with inheriting and even fixing this mess can feel utterly overwhelming.
Yet there's something within us that knows this isn't the end of the story; a small, flickering light which somehow shines more brightly, even as the darkness thickens. Even though the bad guys seem to be winning; even though our news broadcasts and social feeds are full of tragedy...
There is hope.
This year at Satellites, we're going to uncover the reality of that hope, and explore where it can truly be found. Because it's in moments like this that we realise who Jesus really is, and what his gospel really means.
Jesus is our hope for today, and for eternity. He makes a way for us to know God forever, but he's also here to help us mend the mess of today. He's bigger than any modern problem - however massive it might seem - and he is the light in our darkest hour.
At Satellites 2025 we'll take hold of that great sense of hope together, and discover how this generation can be the light of the world, through justice, through peace-making, through creative ingenuity; through love.
A better world is still possible, because there is a light than never goes out. Do not lose hope; find it again: Christ in you the hope of glory.
What’s it like?
A typical day at Satellites…
After early-morning sports and exercise options for the committed – our day starts with a choice of creative ways for young people to explore the Bible – whether that’s listening to a speaker, discussing in your own group or doing something creative or reflective. We’ll help young people connect with Scripture, perhaps for the first time. We’ll come together for a main session – loads of fun, worship, relevant teaching and the powerful sense of being part of something bigger than your youth group – 3,000+ young people exploring faith together.
There’s something for everyone through the afternoons – our cafés and venues, plus our arts and sports programmes are open giving young people a huge choice – whether that’s hanging out in the skate park, having a discussion about faith in real world, getting advice on your mental health or just eating way too many doughnuts. The one thing you can be sure of is that the young people you bring will not be bored, even for a moment.
Our main sessions are the highlight of each day and take young people, if they want, on a carefully-planned journey into deeper faith. There’s no pressure to respond and we’ve designed our approach to prayer and ministry around the local youth group and youth leader – meaning you can follow up whatever happens once the event is finished. Late night the party really starts – music, fun and a real sense of being away for a brilliant holiday with your friends – old and new.
You provide
The camping, the food and supervision of the young people you bring.
We provide
A safe environment where all are welcome and a creative, engaging programme that meets the need of every young person.
How Satellites can
help your youth work
Being part of the bigger church
Your youth group may be small but there are thousands of other groups just like yours. Satellites brings you together and helps young people realise they are part of a big and beautiful story of a global church diverse in culture but sharing the same faith. That experience can be life-changing for young Christians.
Being away and open to God
A few days away from home and everyday challenges can create the space for young people to think more deeply than ever about their life and faith. It’s often a moment of new commitment and transformation.
Deeper relationships in your group
There’s nothing like a shared experience of camping to bring you together! Youth leaders tell us Satellites creates the space to get to know young people in a way that doesn’t always happen week to week at home.