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How to book for Satellites 2024

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Want to book a new group onto Satellites 2024?

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You might be:

  • A youth leader or someone wanting to set up a new group.
  • This could be the first time you have brought a group to Satellites or you may have brought a group to a previous Satellites event
  1. Click the book now button to go through to the ticket system.
  2. LOGIN OR CREATE AN ACCOUNT. You’ll need to login or create an account if you don’t already have one. You can use an existing account from a previous Satellites event.
  3. GROUP SELECTION. Once you’ve activated your account, select the option to create a new group.
  4. TICKETS. First, you’ll need to purchase at least one ticket (usually you as group leader)
  5. ON-SITE CONTACT. Next enter the details of the onsite contact (also usually you as group leader). You’ll also need to agree to our safeguarding policy.
  6. ACCOMMODATION. On the next page you’ll need to either select the option ‘I want to camp with my church’ if your church or group is already on our system from a previous event. Or choose ‘I can’t find my church’ if this is the first time and enter the name of your group (please be specific, there are many churches with the same name so use the town or postcode alongisde the name). We’ll add that to the system and let you know when it’s ready for others to book under that name. You can also enter your accommodation information or skip that until nearer the event.
  7. BILLING ADDRESS. This is the address for the card being used to buy your ticket.
  8. SHIPPING ADDRESS. This is the address we will send wristbands and any other resources for this group.
  9. Once you’ve completed your booking, others in your group can buy tickets that will automatically link to your group as long as they use your email address to find the group.
  10. We’ll also contact you about how to claim our 5 free ticket offer.
  11. Any questions, use the chat on the website or email

Want to buy a ticket as part of a group that’s already set up for 2024?

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You might be:

  • A young person buying a ticket to join your church group.
  • A parent buying a ticket for a young person.
  • A youth leader or volunteer buying a ticket for yourself (but not creating a new group).
  1. Click the book now button to go through to the ticket system.
  2. LOGIN OR CREATE AN ACCOUNT. You’ll need to login or create an account if you don’t already have one. You can use an existing account from a previous Satellites event.
  3. GROUP SELECTION. Once you’ve activated your account, select the option to join an existing group. Then enter your group leaders email - that’s the one they used to set up the group you’re going with.
  4. TICKETS. Enter your details to buy a ticket. The price will change depending on the date of birth you enter.
  5. ACCOMMODATION. You can enter the details for your accommodation now or come back later and complete it any time before the event.
  6. BILLING ADDRESS. This is the address for the card being used to buy your ticket. Choose the same address for shipping (this won’t be used as your wristband will be sent to the group leader.)
  7. Any questions, use the chat on the website or email

Want to apply to join a team at Satellites 2024?

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You might be:

  • A previous volunteer from past Satellites event wanting to sign up for 2024
  • New to the Satellites team and wanting to be considered for a role at the next event
  1. Click the book now button to go through to the ticket system.
  2. LOGIN OR CREATE AN ACCOUNT. You’ll need to login or create an account if you don’t already have one. You can use an existing account from a previous Satellites event.
  3. GROUP SELECTION. Once you’ve activated your account, select the option to create a new group. (Don’t worry, you’re not creating a new group - this is just the way the system works!)
  4. TICKETS. Add your date of birth and other details. Make sure you check the box at the bottom of this page: ‘This person would like to join this event as a team volunteer’. You’ll also need to select the team you’d like to apply for from the drop-down menu. if you don’t know or mind, select ‘I’ll serve anywhere’. Check out the teams page to see more information about the different teams. Then click 'create ticket'. There's no charge for team tickets, unless you are 16 or 17 and choosing a 50/50 ticket - in which case you will be asked to pay £50 once your team application has been accepted.
  5. ON-SITE CONTACT. Next enter the details of the onsite contact which will be you! You’ll also need to agree to our safeguarding policy.
  6. ACCOMMODATION. Select your accommodation choice. Unless you want to camp with a group already booked on site, choose to camp on the teams village. You can always change this later.
  7. BILLING ADDRESS. You’ll need to enter your address here even though it’s a team ticket and there’s no charge. Choose the same address for shipping.
  8. Once you’ve completed your booking we’ll be in touch with details about how to continue your application as a volunteer.
  9. Any questions, use the chat on the website or email

Something else or not sure?

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Email us at and we will help - or use the chat on this site to ask a question.