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Time to reflect

Welcome to Listen In! This journal contains 40 exercises of various techniques and methods to help you reflect on your life and your faith, and listen in to what God is saying and notice how He is moving. Listen In exists to encourage you as a youth leader, and to help you cultivate rhythms of theological reflection in your life.

Theological what?

Defined simply, theological reflection is any process or activity that seeks to connect faith and life. For some, this can involve any reflective activity, like pondering the reality of the universe on the bus or talking with fellow youth workers about their ministry. For others, it’s a more structured and intentional, drawing out specific implications for our youth work and theology and changes the way that we think and act.

The purpose of theological reflection is to connect our experience with our Christian faith. It helps us to draw the dots between what we believe on the one hand, and the interactions, challenges, and highs and lows of everyday life on the other. Theological reflection can bring a fresh perspective, and can challenge us to see things in a new way. As we take the time to ponder deeply about our lives and ministries, it can also shed light on our theological presumptions, and can begin to change our perspective.

The journal activities include:

  • Diverse types of prayer
  • Explorations of simplicity, lament, gratitude, and community
  • Engaging with the Bible in new ways
  • Spaces for creativity and self-reflection
  • Exploring hopes and dreams for young people
  • Questions for God

Listen In

This is a journal for theological reflection in youth work: 40 exercises to help you self-reflect, grow, and develop new spiritual rhythms for your life.


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