Look Again

10 sessions discovering God’s heart for the vulnerable and challenging young people to follow the example of Jesus and put love into action in their lives.
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How Look Again works.
Look Again helps you take your young people on a journey through 10 topics, beginning with what they see around them or have already experienced (OUT), moving to what Jesus shows us in the Bible (UP), into thinking about what God is saying to them personally (IN), and finishing by showing it to others (THROUGH).
The spinner
For the main Bible study element of each session, we wanted to give young people a tool to help them dig deeper into well-loved Scripture passages. There are six themes featured on the spinner. The idea is that someone in the group spins the Spinner and as you read the passage you look out for references to, or find, that theme in the Bible.
The interactivity of the Spinner is a fun addition to reading the Bible but also encourages a more thorough read through of whatever story features that session.
Look Again is a Jubilee+ resource, in partnership with Youthscape, London City Mission, and Newday. It has been shaped for youth, by youth and is designed for youth leaders to use with young people aged 11-18.
We hope that as you take your youth group through this resource, it will be helpful in reframing how they see Jesus, themselves, and those who are vulnerable, excluded or marginalised.
What's in the box?
What’s included:
- The 10-session booklet
- The spinner game board to be used as part of each session