We use them in text messages and social media so much that they’ve become part of our every day language – the simplest way to communicate a feeling or response. Emoticons are everywhere. So we made them into dice. These dice are a resource for emotional literacy and wellbeing, as well as a way to help young people learn how to express their own stories and experiences. There are loads of games you could play with these. We’ve given you five for starters, but you’ll come up with more every time you use them.
The dice come in a handy drawstring bag, designed to fit in your pocket, bag or the glovebox of your car (because we know that's where most youth workers keep their resources!) That way you've got them handy whenever you might need them.
Use them as an ice breaker to get a group chatting, a fun game to help a group explore a story or a way of helping the group express their feelings to one another. Or take them into a one-to-one mentoring situation as a tool to help a teenager open up about a situation that they might not otherwise have words for.
Youthscape Dice
The Youthscape Dice are an exciting resource for emotional literacy and wellbeing. Every face tells a story.
Activity Resources
"...a bit of fresh air from the standard game style icebreaker. In terms of mentoring it was fun as well as being revealing in terms of young people's thought patterns and influences."
Ben Cordy Leeds Faith in Schools
Game 1: I Am An Emoticon
Roll one of the dice and describe the face in a word or sentence. Can your team-mates guess what you rolled?
Game 2: All The Feels
Roll a dice and complete the sentence "The last time I felt like this I..."
Game 3: Changing Faces
Roll two dice and describe what you would do to change your feelings from one emoticon to the other.
Game 4: Dice Stories
Roll one of the dice and start a story. Keep adding more dice to determine what happens next...

Your YS Dice come in a little bag so they're harder to lose, making them an ideal resource to keep in your pocket or bag. There's also an instruction leaflet and we've come up with 5 games to get you started. You'll soon find there are plenty of things you can do with these handy, happy little dice.
Youthscape Dice
Lost your instruction leaflet? Never mind - we've uploaded it here so you can print off another copy. Plus you can download a gif for an additional game to play with young people. Play the gif on a smart phone or tablet. Take a screenshot to select one image at random - challenge the young person to describe the emotion shown.
Suitable for: 11-19 year olds
What's in the box?
- Six emoticon dice
- A handy instruction leaflet including five games to play with the dice and a glossary of emoticon meanings
- A cotton drawstring bag to store your dice
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