Depression and Feeling Low
Waking up feeling low is something we have all experienced from time-to-time, but how do we know if it’s something more serious? Here you’ll find a range of information on recognising the symptoms of depression alongside a range of ways we can lift our mood on darker days.
What You Need To Know
What you need to know- Depression
Supporting a young person with depression can feel daunting but here’s some information for you that might help.
#WantMore About Depression
Headstrong article. Dr Kate Middleton talks about what depression is and how it differs from feeling low
How To Turn A Bad Day Around
Headstrong video. Reuben gives us three things we can do every day to help us focus on the good and not feel overwhelmed by the bad stuff.
Identity And Social Media
Headstrong video. Joel looks back on how success on social media took over his identity and how he’s learned to put his roots in something deeper.
Music, Mood And Tough Days
Headstrong video. Laura talks about how creating playlists have helped her battle depression and tough days.
3 Things You Can Do If You Wake Up Feeling Low (part 1)
Headstrong video. The first part in a mini series on things you can try if you wake up feeling low.
3 Things You Can Do If You're Feeling Low (part2)
Headstrong video. The second part in a mini series on things you can try if you wake up feeling low.
3 Things You Can Do Off You're Feeling Low (part 3)
Headstrong video. The third part in a mini series on things you can try if you wake up feeling low.
Downloadable Worksheets
Feeling Low Worksheet
Downloadable PDF worksheet full of ideas young people can try to lift mood on days they wake up feeling low.