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. In this blog, Hannah explores the results and further spotlights some of the research included within Volume 28 of The Story, includes the voices of three young people who are of voting age, and reminds us of some practical ways to get young people involved in political discussions.

Hannah Bowden Hannah Bowden 02 Jul, 2024
Look Up! If You’re Looking Down, Won’t You Miss Them Looking Up?

Look Up! If You’re Looking Down, Won’t You Miss Them Looking Up?

Here at Youthscape, we have been reading through Jonathan Haidt’s book, The Anxious Generation. In short, his hypothesis is that the smart phone has shifted childhood from play-based to phone-based, causing a ‘re-wiring’ which has resulted in an epidemic of mental illness in ‘Gen-Z’. We will consider the ins and outs of this argument in a future blog but, for now, I want to turn my attention away from young people and towards us as adults. It is my view that order to look out at the world and work toward positive transformation, we must first look at ourselves…

Hannah Bowden Hannah Bowden 19 Jun, 2024
Young People Care About Political Issues

Young People Care About Political Issues

Following the recent publication of The Big Ambition report and increasing conversations about the impending General Election, Hannah explores some of the research around young people and politics. What do young people care about politically? Who are they likely to vote for? How can we ensure their voices are listened to?

Hannah Bowden Hannah Bowden 22 May, 2024
The Scared

The Scared

Following on from reflecting on Springtide’s The Sacred research in Vol.27 of The Story, it feels pertinent to continue thinking about the concept of the ‘sacred’ and what this means in youth ministry. So, here’s some further insights into defining this term

Hannah Bowden Hannah Bowden 15 May, 2024
The Power of Giving Away Power (to Young People)

The Power of Giving Away Power (to Young People)

The upcoming Annual Youthscape/St Mellitus Lecture is tackling the topical subject of ‘Young people, leadership and transparency in the Church’. There is so much to unpack in this and it couldn’t be more timely. Gemma reflects on what it might mean to centre young people’s voices as we rethink what leadership can look like.

Gemma Madle Gemma Madle 08 May, 2024
Generational Labels: What Purpose Do They Serve?

Generational Labels: What Purpose Do They Serve?

labels. Generational labelling has its strengths and pitfalls. Read on as we consider the purposes such labels serve and how we can continue to remember the nuance and complexity that exists within and between us.

Hannah Bowden Hannah Bowden 01 May, 2024
The Move to Nuanced Research

The Move to Nuanced Research

In the last few weeks, we have spent some time reading through Bible Society’s Lumino research and thinking about its links to Translating God. Both research projects are interested in people’s openness to God / the Bible and offer categories through which to understand this spectrum. These categories encourage us to consider the nuance

Gemma Madle Gemma Madle 24 Apr, 2024
Feel Good News Report

Feel Good News Report

This week we launched our Feel Good News Report, the second part of our Translating God research. In a nutshell it discusses what about the Christian faith felt like good news to today’s young people.

03 Apr, 2024

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