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Anti-Racism Conversations (ARC) launch session permission



Your child is invited to be part of a launch session for a new resource created by local youth charity Youthscape. Anti-Racism Conversations (ARC) is a resource designed to help young people explore their part in the journey towards racial justice. Using a mix of self-guided learning, discussion points and activities, this resource will enable teenagers to understand what it means for them to become anti-racist.

The session will be run in school/youth group with a small group of young people and led by one of the youth workers from Youthscape.

As part of the session, we will be taking some photos and videos of the resource in action in order to create some promotional material to help us spread the word about ARC. We’d greatly appreciate it if you could complete the form below to give permission for Youthscape to use any photos or videos taken for the marketing of this exciting new resource.

Any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing hannah.bradley@youthscape.co.uk.

Thanks very much!

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