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Join us on February 28th 2022 for the next SchoolsworkUK day conference!


Back to normal?

Well, not quite… for the education sector, this year still has the remnants and echoes of the chaos of the last 18 months. Schools are playing catch up, exams and coursework are being treated differently and teachers and students are feeling both stretched and stressed. What does that mean for us as we support and provide provision for school communities?

Join us for a day spent exploring, reflecting and discussing how we look to “rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated”* (Isaiah 61:4). On February 28th 2022, we will be gathering in Luton to hear from a range of practitioners and experts in the field of education and beyond. With a chance to look at the current picture and see the difference that COVID has played within schools as well as dream about how we join in with a God who is constantly restoring, redeeming and in the business of making all things new.

More information will appear on this page soon, but register your interest in the form below. We have a limited number of spaces, so you won’t want to miss out!


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