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Coronavirus: A youth ministry liveblog


We ran this liveblog from March to May 2020 to help youth leaders respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. All the content shared can still be accessed and searched for via the sidebar.

Topic: Online youth work

20d ago.

NSPCC: talking to children worried about COVID-19


The NSPCC has shared useful guidance about how to talk to children worried about coronavirus, alongside practical ideas about dealing with isolation: how to structure a day; keeping in touch with family, and helping young people maintain a sense of control. Childline, part of the NSPCC, has also produced this coronavirus information page aimed specifically at young people.

Childline last week reported it has faced "unprecedented demand for its services" in the wake of COVID-19. More than 900 children and young people worried about coronavirus had counselling sessions with Childline between the 21st of January and 22nd March. Sessions peaked on the day (18th March) that the government confirmed UK school closures.

The NSPCC reported that "Over half of young people who spoke to Childline last week about coronavirus were counselled for their mental and emotional health around issues like isolation, arguments at home and removal of professional support from schools and the NHS."

Last week, Youthscape Luton launched a Digital Mentoring program to serve young people in Luton looking for support, you can find out about it here.

Hear about the latest Youthscape News & Resources

23d ago.

Intro Outro videos


Our friends over at Intro Outro have an excellent, youth-facing YouTube channel that you could point young people towards. Their latest video features the highly practical "24 things to do in isolation". Check it out below!

23d ago.

Zoom-bombing: A note of caution for online video chats


The rapid rise in popularity of online video chat interface Zoom has brought with it a brand new and somewhat malevolent phenomenon. The practice of ‘Zoom-bombing’ sees people joining online chats and seeking to disrupt them by sharing explicit or unpleasant images, video and audio to the conversation. Once inside, the perpetrators are skilled at using multiple accounts to avoid being thrown off the call - meaning they’re quickly able to throw a video chat into chaos.

In order to prevent this from happening to a call, Zoom themselves have suggested a short list of steps you can take. You can find their response article here, but in brief summary:

  1. You should avoid listing zoom links (Personal Meeting IDs) in public, and never allow screen sharing as a standard default for all users.
  2. Familiarise yourself with the ways in which you’re able to manage participants as host (including muting individuals and locking the meeting), and make use of the ‘Waiting Room’ feature.
  3. You might also want to consider password-protecting any Zoom meetings which aren’t open to the public as a standard good practice measure.

Many churches and youth groups are making use of Zoom in a variety of ways, and the likelihood is that as more people hear about this rather innovative method of online trolling, more cases of ‘Zoom-bombing’ are unfortunately likely to occur. It’s therefore important to take steps where possible to protect against an attack of this sort, which could otherwise lead to the unleashing of pornographic or other harmful material in the middle of a session.

23d ago.

Youth work in isolation: Time for a new gameplan


The Coronavirus and its ensuing chaos have changed all the rules: youth leaders are suddenly having to think fast about how to creatively respond in a way that serves young people in challenging new conditions. In this new blog post Lahna Pottle explores how to innovate with a practical resource you might already have.

"I sit in my kitchen, as many youth workers I suspect now are, overwhelmed, confused and feeling like all my plans have slipped through my fingertips and smashed on the kitchen floor. I’m having to completely rethink how I do youth ministry, what my week looks like, and I have so much to do to try and turn this around..."

23d ago.

Archbishop of York Youth Trust: Resources for Young Leaders


The Archbishop of York Youth Trust has produced a set of activities and resources for young people, particularly aimed at developing young leaders. You can download them all for free here.

Liveblog yla
24d ago.

Together Apart: A brand new resource for youth work online


The Youthscape team have been working hard to create new tools and resources to support youth leaders in response to the recent period of massive and rapid cultural change. Here’s a brand new one, hot off the press. ‘Together Apart’ is a short series of curriculum resources enabling you to explore life and faith with young people, and is designed specifically for use in the context of an online youth work session. And it’s absolutely FREE!

Each session includes a short programme around a theme, along with copious notes on everything that a youth leader might need to consider when running the session online. We’re not claiming that this is a revolutionary new youth work model - but we hope that it will prove really useful in the immediate context in which we find ourselves.

The first two sessions, written by Youthscape’s Hannah Bradley, can be downloaded below. Session one looks at the subject of trusting in God, and the second resource explores how Jesus changes lives. Another four sessions will follow in the next couple of weeks. We hope to bring you more innovative resources very soon - but for now, we hope these are useful, and as always we welcome your feedback!

24d ago.

The Great Indoors


Scouts have pulled together a list of over 100 indoors activities you can do with young people, whether that's for your youth group or for your own families. Each activity has its own page, with a list of materials needed, recommended age range, time frame, and a reflection tying it all together at the end.

Liveblog scouts
25d ago.

Digital Mentoring in Luton


How can you support young people without face-to-face interaction? How can you help them look after their wellbeing, and deal with challenging circumstances, without meeting together? Youthscape Luton has developed a new program that will provide online mentoring services to young people who want it. Young people can easily sign up for Digital Mentoring through this page, and with parental consent secured, they can check in for 20-minute video call sessions (once or twice a week) with a youth leader to talk about anything they want to. This is one of our local, Luton-based projects. Sadly we can't offer this service on a national scale, but we thought it might encourage you as you rethink familiar youth work models, and try to imagine what meeting the needs of young people looks like when all the rules have changed.


Could you attempt something similar where you are? Perhaps you've started already – if you've got a story you'd like to share of something you're trying out, don't hesitate to let us know!

25d ago.

New digital guide from Dreaming the Impossible


Dreaming the Impossible (run by Vineyard Churches) have put together a great downloadable digital resource. It includes an overview of Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok. They also talk about what digital discipleship looks like now.

Liveblog dti
26d ago.

Dangerous hope: COVID-19 and a new youth work frontline


New blog post from Rachel Gardner at Youth Work News:

"These are the invisible, not yet adult but not protected like kids, fragile and challenging young people that as the virus hits will refuse to do what we want them to. They’ve got nowhere to go, no-one to care, and nothing to lose - and they’re going to be in the streets, bus stops, subways, parks and graveyards that the rest of us are vacating. In their minds they’re already socially isolated...Many of them don’t have phones or access to technology. Their reliance on each other is as solid as it is fragile. Of course they'll be there for each other, until they’re not. Then they’re totally alone."

27d ago.

Quarantine Idea #1 - Virtual Tours


Want a way of continuing to share experiences as a youth group from the comfort of your own home? In the coming weeks we’ll posting various simple ideas for an online youth group here on the liveblog.

How about virtually touring a museum together? Taking a trip around London landmarks? Or using Google Earth, or Google Arts & Culture, to explore some of America’s National Parks? The internet is full of virtual tours allowing people to experience places they are currently restricted from visiting in person. Many group video chat platforms have a share screen function enabling the entire group to see something on one person’s screen. This is highly useful for allowing the whole chat to experience something together.

Numerous famous museums are now online and open for virtual admission. Here’s a few that are definitely worth checking out:

New sites and new experiences are being added to the digital world on a regular basis. Some great ones that are already up and running include:

For an online session, it’s important to remember that not all the young people will be interested in seeing round a museum or landmark. Keep the tour short and engaging. Check it out for yourself beforehand and identify what the best features are so as to direct the group to the most interesting areas.

You could even use the tour to play a game! Go through the site beforehand and note down a list of objects / words you see. During your online youth group, tell the young people the list of things they should look out for. Have them come up with their own buzzer noise which they have to make as soon as they spot something from the list. Keep it fun and interactive so as to keep the young people interested.

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27d ago.

Youth for Christ resources for COVID-19 now online


Youth for Christ have created a landing page directing you to their resources and support for youth ministry. They’re developing some video tutorials on moving your youth work online, plus they have a range of existing free resources you can download. Head over here to see them.

27d ago.

Podcast Special #3: Young People and Risk


We’re creating a special series of the Youthscape podcast, which will continue to appear at semi-regular intervals during the current global crisis.

The third and latest edition has just gone live; in it Rachel Gardner talks to Gareth Cheesman from Esteem Acet UK about how to help young people handle risk and Rachel and Martin Saunders talk about shifting cultural landscapes.

You can listen now here, and subscribe to make sure you never miss an episode, here.

19h ago.

Running Alpha Youth online


Were you in the middle of running an Alpha Course with your youth group? Or are you looking for fresh ideas to engage your youth group in the coming weeks/months?

Alpha have produced a guide for running the Alpha Course online, and this includes the Youth Alpha. Why not have a look and see if this is something that would work with your group?

20h ago.

Some helpful tips for filming yourself


With youth groups moving online, some of you will now be trying out live-streamed videos or little videos giving out encouragements to the young people you work with. Vineyard Churches have written this great post with some advice for filming yourself - equipment needed, lighting, sound quality, etc.

1d ago.

Luton groups partner to form Luton Youth and Families COVID-19 Response Group


Several organisations across Luton have partnered together, with Youthscape, to form a response group as a central place for children, young people and families to get in touch and access town-wide support.

On Friday schools across Luton will close for the foreseeable future for the majority of students. In addition, many face-to-face support services and provisions in Luton already have already been suspended due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

We are aware this will be a significantly challenging time for many children, young people and families, as the impact of the current situation will cause financial, emotional and social strain on many in our community.

We know that your schools are working hard to ensure there will be on going support available over the coming months. Voluntary services across Luton also remain wholeheartedly committed to providing care and support for those who need it, particularly during this time. The group currently comprises of Families United Network, Level Trust, Luton Borough Council, Luton Food Bank, Tokko Youth Centre and Youthscape and more are likely to join in the coming days.

This is a local, rather than a national project, but we hope it's a helpful example to others across the country thinking about how to collaborate, at a chaotic time, to help support struggling communities.

To access this support or find out more, you can fill in the online referral form here.

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2d ago.

Social distancing: What happens to face-to-face youth work now?


School is cancelled and social distancing – or self-isolation – is the new status quo. In this new article Lahna Pottle speaks to other youth leaders to wrestle with what this means for working with young people. Here you can find government advice on keeping physically and mentally well whilst self-isolating.

3d ago.

Podcast Special #1


During this period of quarantine, we are going to be doing more regular episodes of the Youthscape Podcast, talking about how youth workers can support the young people they work with in this current situation. You can find the first episode here, where Martin and Rachel talked about some practical steps they’re taking (WhatsApp broadcasts, YouTube channels) and the hope they’re seeing in the youth ministry community in this time. They also prayed together and reflected on some scripture. Keep an eye on our podcast page as we’ll be aiming to do a few per week.

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